With our boys we have many types of moments. We have happy, sad, joyous, and celebratory moments. Moments that make me proud, and some that, well....we won't talk about those. The purpse of this blog is to record some the these "Moments With My Boys."
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
it made me wonder
Yesterday I was making pancakes for breakfast. Adam walked by the kitchen and said, "Mommy, I'm going to the bathroom. I just don't want you to worry." I laughed to myself and thought, I wouldn't have worried, but now I'm wondering if I should.
My sister, Lana, just had a baby 11 days ago. The boys have made some statements lately that have really made me wonder...
1. Lana and Grace needed to stay in the hospital one extra day, for observation. Adam heard this and asked if they were putting the baby back in. (Lana heard this and said, "OUCH!")
2.Yesterday, Austin commented several times that Lana should have another baby in her tummy, maybe even twins! (give the poor girl a little time!!)
3. The boys have been crawling on the floor saying "gaa gaa goo goo" then they say "this is what baby Grace does." Little do they realize, at this point baby Grace does NOTHING!
4. Austin was just here, and read #1. He then asked, "why did Lana say ouch?" (Oh my!!)
I think they have a little to learn before reaching parenthood!
Monday, December 28, 2009
1 down, 2 to go.
We got an e-mail the other day, the first book is published and ready for sale! This is a link to the book. Take a look if you like!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
welcome home
Wednesday, Mike headed to PA to exchange gifts with his parents, and bring ours back home to us. He came home Thursday night. As I was putting the boys to bed on Thursday, Austin slipped into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and made this note,
This week the boys have experienced a few days with Daddy, a few days with Mommy, and a few days with us both. We are looking forward to the rest of our Christmas break-TOGETHER!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
He thinks like me.
Yes, my boy, that is what I think of rhubarb, too!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
moving on...
The other evening at supper I mentioned that someone was a cute girl (I don't even remember who I was talking about). Adam pipes up and says, "Hailey in my class is a cute girl." I have to say I found relief in that statement. I think he may be moving on from Lucy. A few days after he said this, his class went on a field trip to the firehouse. At one point, they had to sit down. Some of the chairs could hold 2 children. I did notice that Adam went directly to sit with Hailey. I am by no means saying that he must marry this girl!! I am just glad that he is moving on from his preschool crush, and I am thrilled that he is friends with both boys AND girls in his class. (Since then he has also said that Rebecca is cute--I find this humorous because the teacher says they have disagreements about the crayons a lot!)
Lucy, you are a sweet girl, but I think my Adam has moved on...
Monday, December 21, 2009
New Cousin

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Field trips
Last Thursday, Austin's class went to the Children's Museum and to the local TV station (I forgot my camera, so I do not have pictures of this trip). At the Museum we talked about animals and how they adapt to weather changes. At the TV station we were able to talk to one of the meteorologists. She told us about her job and what she does. Then she let each of the children go to the green screen and hold up a green piece of material. They enjoyed watching themselves "disappear." Since the Children's museum is next door to the TV station, we went back and had some time to play and explore the museum.
Today, Adam's class went to the fire station, I did remember my camera this time.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Adam's prayer
I remember being in Elementary School (it would have been between K-2 from the school I remember this in) thinking that because I was a Christian then everyone was a Christian. With him being 6 and in Kindergarten (in a public school), I'm sure there are not heavy religious conversations around the cafeteria lunch table. But, I can be sure that not all of the kids in his class are Christians.
Kids are very perceptive! I'm glad that he knows that we are Christians!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
4th and final...for now
I realize that this is probably not interesting to anyone besides myself. I am mainly doing this so that I have some sort of record for years down the road.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I was very happy to see that a tooth was coming in, and I wouldn't have to call the dentist for an appointment.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I'm wondering why...
I brought paint and Christmas cookie cutters home from work. Austin and I stamped the cookie cutter shapes onto paper. Adam had very little interest in doing this. After the stamps dried, I told the boys that they could color the shapes.
Adam really enjoyed this part of the project. He would do one and ask, "Mommy, is it beautiful?" He really did a good job!
Austin helped with this part too. However, his pictures were a little less serious.
Somehow, I don't think this one will make it on a card!
We had such a good time, I didn't realize how late it was. Adam was up past his bedtime, and Austin should have been doing his reading (he did stay up and get that done!).
At some points this evening, I wondered why I was doing all this when I could run out and buy some. But, buying the cards does not give me the giggles and fun I had tonight with my boys
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
White Christmas
We got about 5 inches of snow on Saturday. It was nice to have the boys (big and small) outside playing while we prepared for the meal. It made for a lot of extra clothes to dry, but it was worth it! While outside, the boys built an igloo out of snow. We bought a snow brick maker the other year, so they enjoyed using that to make bricks to build the igloo.
The igloo was big enough for the boys to be in there. In this picture, Adam is in the igloo.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The breaking of bread
Christmas Parade

Adam is used to going to bed at 7:30 on school nights. It was about 7:45 and I noticed he would lay his head on my shoulder, while I was holding him. He finally said, "I'm too tired." I put him in one of the chairs and covered him up.
Friday, December 4, 2009
my Gingerbread man
I heard all this and thought, I don't think I would want to catch you! I think I would run the other way!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I love this picture!
Monday, November 30, 2009
The homework can wait
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving trip

Mike even decided to get in on the action. Austin took this picture. I think he did pretty good (could photography be in his future?)
Have you ever lost a child...
This has happened to me twice since school started. Both times, Adam was the missing child.
A few months ago, Austin went up to Mike's room after school, but Adam was not with him. Following on his heels was Mr. Kline, Adam's teacher. He was wondering if Adam was up in Mike's room, he wasn't! Mike sent his 4th graders in pairs to search the school for Adam and they started their hunt. As it turned out, someone was testing a sound system in the cafeteria. To test this system they were playing a movie. Adam decided to hunker down in a corner and watch the movie.
The second time was Wednesday. I was home packing things up for our trip. The phone rang, it was Adam's friend's mother. She asked if I was wondering were Adam was. I told her that I was waiting for him to come home with Mike. She said, " He rode the bus to our house, my husband is putting him back on, and they bus driver will take him back to school." I could not believe this. Mike had his 4th graders, again, searching the school for Adam. When I asked Adam why he went on the bus he said, "Nick asked me to come over to play with his new Lego game." I was really surprised that the bus driver would let him on the bus without a note.
It is not a good feeling to know that my child goes missing. Thanks goodness for his guardian angel who keeps him safe. That angel has a full time job!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
he really IS growing!
When Austin was in Kindergarten I bought some pants for him-he is still wearing these pants. However, he has worn them so much that I don't think that they will be worthwhile to pass to Adam. (But, we did get 3 years of wear out of them) If he continues to grow, he just may out grow those pants before he completely wears them out!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Say that again
He kind of had it right, but left a few details out.
We're not really sports people
That would be a great idea, the only glitch is that they are both football teams (and I had to google to make sure the eagles played football!)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The cutest little Indian

Breakfast talk
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Kissable Progress
Mike and Adam have lunch at the same time. They are at different tables, but can see each other. They often wave, and Mike will come to Adam's table and talk to him a bit. Yesterday, Mike told me that they started this "game." Mike said he blew a kiss to Adam and Adam would then wipe it off his cheek. Then, Mike blew 2 kisses to Adam, and he had to wipe both cheeks. This progressed for a while until Mike started to blow the kisses up to the ceiling so that they would ricochet down, and Adam had to wipe the top of his head. They played this game until Adam got up from his table to avoid being hit by kisses. Mike had to go tell Adam that he needed to stay seated, so the game was over.
Last night, as I was putting Adam to bed, he gave me a kiss and I told him how I would love to give him a kiss. I explained that a kiss is a gesture of love. I told him that I would only kiss him very quickly on his cheek. He thought for a moment, and said okay. So, for the first time in probably over a year I was able to kiss him--without him wiping it off (while still awake :) After I kissed him he looked at me and said, "huh, that wasn't so bad!" Of Course Not!! Needing to make up for lost time, I kissed him when he got up this morning, then he gave Mike permission to kiss his cheek, then I got to give him another kiss before he left the house.
I'm sure he will have plenty of kisses for his wife, and he probably won't care about the germs!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Pocahontas and Obecca
This morning he was trying to sing a song that they are performing for their Thanksgiving program at school. It started out, "Pocahontas was brave...." The boys started asking questions about Pocahontas, and I could not remember that information from so long ago, so I went to my trusty World Books to find the information. I was reading a long to the boys, and read that she was converted to Christianity and baptized with the English name Rebecca (I did not remember this fact). Adam's ears perked up and he said, "Obecca, did I hear Obecca?"
Well, kind of, I guess...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Funny how it works!
Funny how it works!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pumpkin log
-line 10x15 cooking sheet with wax paper
-Preheat oven to 375
3 eggs
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup pumpkin
3/4 cup flour
Pour cake batter on cookie sheet and bake 20-25 minutes. Turn onto a dishtowel that has been sprinkled with powdered sugar (leave wax paper attached for now). Roll in towel like a jelly roll.
2 tbsp margarine
1-8oz cream cheese
3/4 tsp vanilla
1 cup powdered sugar
When cake is cooled, unroll and remove wax paper. Spread filling. Re-roll. Refrigerate or freeze. Slice when ready to serve.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Birthdays in heaven...
Huh.....never thought of that. Only in the mind of a 6 year old boy!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
A fun weekend!
It started out by Trick or Treating at the downtown businesses. They got to dress in their costumes and get some candy. They even got to see Austin's teacher while they were out.
Then Daddy took them to a movie. While they were gone I was able to rake some leaf piles together.
They had a story read by a gentleman at our church. Austin and Mike then cleaned and carved the pumpkin as the story was being read. I forget what the story was, but it went with the activities of the pumpkin.
There were also miniature pony rides. This pony was no higher than mid-thigh on me. They attached a cart and gave rides to the children.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Family picture
I talked to several people about having the picture done, but in the end decided to have Matt do the picture. Luckily, we were going to their house only a week or so later.
Matt, took LOTS of pictures. This is the one we liked the best.
However, Lana and I thought the color may be off just a bit. So, I worked with it a little and came up with...
It bothered me at first that my hair was blowing in the breeze, but have decided that this is my life! Austin has a bit of a goofy smile, and Adam's looks a bit mischievous, my hair is blowing on end, but at our house you will find goofiness, mischievousness, and my hair will be on end!
This is the one to go into Hugo. Welcome to the Wampole's World!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The bruise
I had a good laugh about that!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Austin is in 2nd grade, and is starting to have more homework. Very often, he will forget to bring it home. I have started checking his backpack as soon as he comes out of the door of the school. Then, we usually proceed around to the side doors of the school and go BACK to his classroom to get his homework. On the days Mike brings him home, it is not unheard of us hopping in the car and going back!
I thought this problem was contained to Austin, but today I thought it might be showing in Adam as well. Today, I went to get the boys from school. Adam came out talking about his heavy backpack, and how he has 2 pumpkins for me to make a pie. I thought he might be making up a story, so I checked his backpack and sure enough there were 2 pumpkins in there! I asked, "where did you get those pumpkins?" He replied, "from the man at the pumpkin place." "WHAT!!!??" I had no idea there was a field trip today. I went and found his teacher, apologized for not sending in money and, more so, that I didn't send him a lunch! He said, "I asked Adam if he had his money and he said no, then I asked if he had a lunch and he said no, I said to myself, 'Mom doesn't know about this field trip'"
Tell me, how does a child lose 2 notices about field trips? How is it he can contain his excitement, and not talk about it before hand? How long until little boys start to remember these types of things??