Our family has had a bit of a different week this past week. Last Friday morning at 3:30. I got a call from my sister saying that her water broke, and I should come. I was with her during the labor and delivery of her beautiful little girl, Grace. A snow storm came through on Friday. Mike and the boys tried to come get me on Sunday, but the roads were so bad that it took them an hour to travel what should have been about a 20 minute drive. They turned around and went home. Monday they were able to get there and bring me home.
Wednesday, Mike headed to PA to exchange gifts with his parents, and bring ours back home to us. He came home Thursday night. As I was putting the boys to bed on Thursday, Austin slipped into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and made this note,

and put it between the curtain and window to the carport door. We turned the light on so that this would be the first thing Mike would see. What a wonderful way to be welcomed home!
This week the boys have experienced a few days with Daddy, a few days with Mommy, and a few days with us both. We are looking forward to the rest of our Christmas break-TOGETHER!
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