We went to Mike's home for Thanksgiving. I took the camera, and got some pictures of a few things we did while there.

I had to get a picture of this. This is the paint can that we always look for along I-81 in
Carlisle, PA. This is the 1/2 way point to getting to their house!

We always try to find a McDonald's that has a play area, so that the boys can have an opportunity to run around and play for a bit.

Adam decided to have his picture taken with Ronald McDonald.

Austin followed suit.

Mike even decided to get in on the action. Austin took this picture. I think he did pretty good (could photography be in his future?)

Austin created this
Lego dog. It is suppose to look to Grandma and Grandpa's dog

Mike and his brother took the boys on a hike to "the caves" (as they called it when they were kids. It amazes me how HUGE the rocks are!

Adam found the perfect nook for himself

My what a strong boy I have! (and a pretty good actor too)

Before we left we were able to see Mike's friend from High School and his boys (his wife had to work that evening) The boys always enjoy going to see Dylan and Micah. When these boys are together they giggle, and giggle and they all love
Nerf guns and darts. They run, laugh and shoot. It is always an active time, but they have so much fun. I missed my chat with
Delise, (somehow it wasn't the same talking with Troy and Mike )
hopefully it will work out next time.
Great header! You are really good at changing out the background and the header each month. I look forward to seeing what you come up with each time.