Earlier this school year, Adam would come home talking about a girl in his class named Obecca. I thought, "that is a different name." I later found out that her name is really REbecca. I have tried to correct him a few times, but he still calls her Obecca.
This morning he was trying to sing a song that they are performing for their Thanksgiving program at school. It started out, "Pocahontas was brave...." The boys started asking questions about Pocahontas, and I could not remember that information from so long ago, so I went to my trusty World Books to find the information. I was reading a long to the boys, and read that she was converted to Christianity and baptized with the English name Rebecca (I did not remember this fact). Adam's ears perked up and he said, "Obecca, did I hear Obecca?"
Well, kind of, I guess...
Obecca - how funny! :)