After this, it was time to start getting ready for bed. As we were doing this, Austin asked if his name was in the Bible. I said, "no I'm pretty sure there is no Austin in the Bible. But, it is a great name anyhow." Austin thought for a moment and said, "That's okay, I'll be in the next one." Being a bit confused, I asked, "the next what?" He explained that his name would be in the next Bible. I told him I didn't understand. So, he explained to me that when he died his name would be in the book. I think he is referring to the "Book of Life."
Then we were off to pray. Our usual routing is that I ask the boys what they would like to pray for, then they each get a chance to pray. Then, I say a prayer that pulls everything together. Adam's usual prayer is: Dear God, Thank you for this day, Thank you for this loving family, with 2 beeeaaauuutiful boys. Thank you God that I love Mommy and Mommy loves me." But, last night he added another line, that really surprised me. His last line was, "Thank you God that you promise to love me." The word "promise" is what surprised me. I guess I don't always know what he understands and what goes over his head. But, by saying that, it seems that he understands that God will love him no matter what.
Adam, Daniel and Luke. I do not think that I would have ever thought to put those three people together to be spending time with Jesus, but that is awesome. Doesn't it always amaze you about what kids come up with and understand?