Yesterday, we were at my parents. My parents neighbor said they were getting a fresh load of dirt. They are going to level off their yard. As anyone with little boys knows, or at least for my little boys, dirt can call them!! It did not take too long for them to strip out of their shirts and roll in the dirt! I told my mom I did not care! My theory has always been that little boys are washable! The boys were not begging to play a computer game or watch TV. They were outside in the dirt!!
I sprayed the boys off, then told them to take off their outer shorts, so I could spray them better later. Dad asked if that was the pre-wash. I said, "No, this is actually the pre-pre-wash." I sprayed the clothes, soaked the clothes, then Mom went and sprayed the clothes some more.
Adam and Austin in their pre-wash.
Once in the tub, they needed to be pre-washed, as well. I rinsed them with their underwear on, then they got the real bath. I have to say, I have never seen dirt packed in ear creases, Austin even had dirt in his nose!! I guess that is a sign of having a good time.
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