Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Amy is now on the Web!

Amy has officially gotten a blog! I am taking the honor of writing the first one. I can not wait to see what Amy will say in the future.


  1. Kind of sad that I don't even make my own first post!

  2. Yippee!!! I'm proud to say that I knew this day would come. :)

    Ya know, if Lana is the ghostwriter who "stole" your first post, you can always delete it and start fresh. :)

    I like the blog name, Amy/Lana!!

  3. Davene, Lana was so funny. She calling me with different names. When we came up with one, she acted like she didn't want to wait to get me signed up, so she took care of that as I continued to crochet on my couch :) So, really, I could not stop her from doing the first post. However, I will try to write one tonight.
