The birthday boy also gets to choose what is for dinner. Adam chose chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and grapes.
Since I have just started blogging, I thought I might take a walk down memory lane at Adam's 6 years.
Look at those beautiful brown eyes!
Mike told him to smile big. :)
I love this picture!
Since this is all about Adam, here are a few things I want to remember and love about him:
~He loves to talk about 3-D, things that transform, and camouflage.
~I love that he says "ungot" instead of "forgot"--really it makes more sense, either you've got it or you've ungot it! :)
~When we went to Erie, we saw warthogs at the zoo. Adam declared July 25th Warthog Day!
~It tickles me when I ask him to do something and he says"Mommy, I'm just a little boy you know." Yes, honey, I know you are a little boy. You cannot use that excuse forever!
~You will do anything to prevent germs being on you. This pertains not only to you, but anyone you know that is with you. If you know someone is going to the bathroom you will yell after them, "Don't forget to wash you hands!" When we were coming home from Erie this weekend, we stopped to eat (at one of those places along the turnpike). When you heard I was going to the bathroom, you yelled across the lobby to wash my hands (as if I wouldn't!!) I did have to wonder what the other people thought! :)
~I laugh that you have already found a bride. You love Lucy from preschool 2 years ago. You do not want Mommy to kiss you until Lucy does. Little do you know I sneak in your room at night and give you good night kisses. (If we do give you a kiss, you lick your hand to wash it off...I am not sure how that fits in with the germs...)
~When given a choice you answer is often, "both" (that is the reason the cake is both chocolate and vanilla). When asked a question as to what you want, your answer is, "anything you want." This doesn't really help me out!
~It tickles me how you can start telling a story, which turns into a narration-that goes on and on and on. One Sunday Carol and I took our boys for a hike. Adam started talking, we thought it would be a short story, but it turned into "You go around this rock, jump over this root, go straight...."
Adam, you are a funny little boy, you certainly keep things interesting! We love you!
Well, what can I say. Adam you are amazing! We never know what you will be into next. You have a very active mind and we just wonder what you will do with all your knowledge some day when you grow up. Sure hope you get over the germ phobia. Also don't drive your car as fast as you do on the computer match box car game. Also don't get stuck like you have the past two days at our house. We didn't think we would have to remove boards from the play gym to free you. But we love you and will continue to pray for you. Love Mamaw Betty