Austin's birthday was in June. I did not start blogging until July, so I missed his big day by just a week or so. So, I decided to do a belated post in honor of Austin.
Austin wanted a ventriloquist dummy for his birthday. The dummy he got was named Willie. On the birthday cake it says, "Happy Birthday Willie." Austin chose to have
pancakes and chipped beef gravy for supper (I think we also had some fruit, but can't remember). Austin got to use his special plate and mug.

The birthday cake.

Austin is 8!
Now, I am going to walk down memory lane with Austin.

I think Austin is about 1 1/2 days old here.
This is the first time I got to hold Austin, expect for right after he was born.

Austin at about 6 months.
He was a very plump boy!
Austin, 1 year.
I love those chunky legs!

Austin, 2 years.
Austin, 3 years.
Austin, 4 years.
Mike took this picture, I love it!
Austin, 5 years.
Austin, 6 years.
Kindergarten picture.

Austin, 7 years.
1st grade picture.
It has been an amazing journey to see Austin grow up to the boy that he is today.
Austin was in the hospital for 2 weeks after he was born. We are still not sure what was wrong with him. At one point, one Dr. said he would send Austin home. Another Dr. said "no." That night Austin stopped breathing. God was watching over him!!
The first year was very hard for us. Austin was not a content baby. I remember many nights walking with you and crying with you, but we got through that!!
Austin is now a very happy child. When he is interested in something, everyone who talks to him knows what his interest is. I have learned so much from him. When he was into dinosaurs, I learned about dinosaurs. When he was into bones, I learned about bones. (Together we learned the bones of the upper body!) Austin is now into ventriloquism. So, I have in the process been learning about ventriloquism.
Some things that I love about Austin and want to remember.
~You have a wonderful heart. You often worry about other people (a lot of times it is Adam)
~You love to know how things work.
~Often when you try new foods, you will say, "Hmmm,....that is good" followed by, "Mommy, you should be a chef!"
~You still love to snuggle with me in the mornings. What a great way to start the day!
~You will often tell me that you think I am pretty.
~You love to take the trash out! I'm sure this won't last forever!
~Right now, you are excited that you get to be the big brother in school next year. (You will get to walk Adam to his room.)
Austin, you are a fun, energetic, loving child. We love you!