~We have some really HUGE Lego blocks. Mike mentioned to Matt, not too long ago, that they will probably inherit them soon. However, while we were cooped up, Adam got these blocks out and started to build. He built a house, complete with carpet (a scrap from having the bedrooms done). We may end up keeping these a little longer.
~A few weeks ago, Mike and I went out for a date. My parents kept the boys. When we went back to pick the boys up, Mom told me that she bathed them for me (I'm always thankful for that!) But, as she was getting Adam ready for his bath, he told her, "I am not suppose to have a bath every night. I'm going to get grounded for having a bath!" I must say, he is right, he is not suppose to have a bath every night. He has eczema really bad on his legs, so the Dr. told me not to bathe him every night (which can cause even drier skin), but it was a bath night. On the other hand, I would not ground him for this. In fact, I have never "grounded" him. I'm not sure where he came up with this word. But, he apparently understood it, and used it correctly--but he doesn't need to worry about that, for a bath!
~I noticed lately that Adam will sometimes come up to me and say, "Mommy, I want to ask Austin (or Daddy) a question." I will say, "go right ahead" (often with a giggle). The other day he asked me if he could ask Daddy something, and I asked him why he felt he needed to ask permission. I said he could feel free to ask Daddy whatever he needed to. He said, "You and Daddy are married, so I ask you if it's okay." I would have never put that together! and not sure how that fits with Austin, but that's okay.
~Our school system has this new way of notifying you of changes in the regular school day. They have a recording that will call and tell let us know of a delay or cancellation. Today, the phone rang and Austin answered it. He hung up and told Mike that the telemarketer told him school was cancelled. Wouldn't that be nice, if the telemarketers called to inform you of important things like that, rather than try to sell you things?
~Adam had a little pimple on his chin over the weekend. We started to talk about what a pimple is and about pores. Adam pipes up and says,"I know what pores are, they are sometimes as big a ditches." What?!? I'm not sure where that came from!
~Lately, when Adam has an idea (which is quite often) he will snap his fingers, click his tongue, then point his finger. Then he continues to say "I got an idea!" Most often, I get it with the snap, click and point, but it's good of him to tell me that is what he is thinking! :)
~Mike and the boys went to the Wal-Mart pharmacy. Austin came home and said he found the funniest medicine. I, honestly, could not figure out what kind of medicine would be funny. He said, "...they have a medicine called...GAS-X!" Then he proceeded to tell me what this medicine does. It really is humorous to see what these boys find as funny!
~Austin has had a bit of a cough lately. This morning I was asking him if he had any other symptoms, other than the cough. Adam said, "I know, Austin roll over on your tummy." Austin obliged him. Adam put his ear to Austin's back and said, "Yep, he is still breathing. I can hear it." Adam has some different medical ideas, it would be funny to see if he becomes a Dr. one day!
~It is cold here. We have a lot of snow on the ground, and I am very often cold. These past few days, I have not really cared what I served for dinner, as long as I have hot tea to drink, I am fine. I had to giggle today as I drank my tea-I don't know why I remember this-(sometimes my mind goes from one thing to the next), but I enjoyed the memory. A few winters ago, Austin would come to me and ask for coffee and mushrooms. I didn't understand at first, but most of that winter that is what he called hot chocolate and marshmallows. I don't think many would enjoy the coffee and mushrooms.
Good memories! Kids think of the funniest things. Mawaw Betty
ReplyDeleteKids say the funniest things. This year you
ReplyDeleteare having our winter weather and more!
Aunt Helen