...but I have to say, things are getting much better!
Yesterday, I was on the phone, and someone came to my door. It was the guy who has been taking care of our carpet order. He said he tried to call, but my phone was busy, so he decided to stop by to tell me that the installer would be there in just a few minutes. My first thought was, "YIKES!!" We still had a dresser to move out of one room, and a mattress and box springs out of the other. I moved as much as I could until he got there. He was a really good sport about it all and helped me move big items.
I was very limited as to what I could do while he was there, because I could not get anywhere to do anything. So I grabbed a book and read.
Here were the conditions of my house:

This was the living room. If you look closly you can see a small space in the middle of the floor. That is where I sat to read!

This is the kitchen. It has been a make shift clost for some time now. I am so glad to have our clothes back in the closet!

Here is Adam's room. He has been so patient with us, since we have had to use his bedroom for storage. I am finally working on getting his space back for him.

This is Mike's dresser in the bathroom. Thanks goodness we put the second bathroom in several years ago!

The desk is in the dining room. Which means the table was moved out. Everything was out of order!

This is a glimpse into our bedroom. It's not done, but much closer. My Dad and my Uncle are going to try to put in bi-fold doors on the closet. I am finally done with those panel doors!!

Austin's new room! We only had time to set up the lower bed of the bunk beds. We still have some work to do.

We moved the desk into his room. We had been noticing that it took him a long time to do his homework at the table, because Adam would be playing, and I would be in the kitchen, and there was just too much going on. He really liked to do his math in his quiet room. He was a bit disappointed that I had to call his spelling words with him at the table, but I had to multi-task, and could not go sit in his room for that time. I'm just pleased that he likes his new space.
The house is not perfectly cleaned up yet, but it is coming along.
Looking good!!! Can't wait to see the finished projects!