Sunday, February 28, 2010


Lately, Austin has been using the word "perdament" frequently. It tickles me a little, knowing that he is trying to say permanent.

One day last week, he came home with some paint on his shirt (from art class). He told me, "this is perdament, but could you try to get it out?" I almost thought "why try?" But I did, I worked on it, and actually used an old toothbrush on it. Most of it came out. The few specks that are still there he will never notice.

Now, I thought that he may have thought that his teacher said the word this way and that was why he pronounced it like that---until this morning.

Yesterday, Mike helped his friend move into a house they just bought. This morning, while getting ready for church, we were talking about the house, and how we thought this house would be our starter home, but that changed and we are still here. Austin came up and said something about this being our "perdament" home. I really thought he understood this word using it correctly in different situations, until he asked, "what does perdament mean?"

1 comment:

  1. At least he was using the word, that he did not know, correctly. By the way, I love your header! You are so good with that, and your boys take such good pictures.
