Mom did something different. Last year she went to the after-Christmas sales and found some stockings. She bought one for each grandchild. She hung them, and filled them with "treasures."
With our boys we have many types of moments. We have happy, sad, joyous, and celebratory moments. Moments that make me proud, and some that, well....we won't talk about those. The purpse of this blog is to record some the these "Moments With My Boys."
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Kiser Christmas
Mom did something different. Last year she went to the after-Christmas sales and found some stockings. She bought one for each grandchild. She hung them, and filled them with "treasures."
Adam's Drawing
The other night Adam was working on the activity pad. It has pictures to color, cross words, and different games to play.
Adam found a page with dots. He decided to not do the suggested game, but a draw a picture.
He did the bottom first. 3 crosses. He wrote, "Jesus died on the cross."
Above that is the tomb-rolling away the stone.
The top is when hey find the tomb is empty!
I was impressed with his creativity and expression of the story through his pictures!
I Would Have Never Thought Of It!
The other night Mike came up with the idea to let the boys sleep on the sledding inter tubes. I figured, "well, sure, there is no reason not to. If they don't sleep well, they can have a nap tomorrow."
We cleared room for the inter tubes in Austin's room.
We got the inter tubes ready. The boys were asking to go to bed at 7:30! (At the time I didn't think about how they would be ready to get up at 5:30)
It was a fun, out of the ordinary thing to do-that I would have never thought of!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Gingerbread House
We donated a few supplies, but another teacher donated all the candy and decorations. (the main reason I would not want to do this at home)
They were to make a pattern at place on the house. Every child did this with ease :)
I did find it interesting that some children covered their houses with candy, but Adam chose to leave his a little more sparse.
It was a fun activity. One I'm glad that I didn't have to lead at home. I am so thankful for those brave teachers that are willing to take on such projects.
Christmas Lights
Then we saw this house, we all decided it was a 10!
Austin's Tooth Saga...
Last evening, we were brushing his teeth (I was making suggestions of how we could get this tooth out). As we were brushing something touched his tooth just the right way, and *POOF* it was out! Austin was excited, and I was relieved.
Austin decided to write the "Tooth Fairy" a note and tell her about this adventure. The note is a follows:
As he was writing the note I started to think-"Oh, the The Tooth Fairy should probably respond. What will that note say? I think I have the right amount of money. If I don't will I have to call the neighbors to see if they can break a 5? Should I have them write the note so that Austin won't recognize my handwriting?..." Honestly, I think he knows it is me, but we still have fun with it.
After he finally fell asleep I sat down and wrote the following:
Austin found the note at 5:30 this morning. He came to my bedside and said, "listen to this note..." and proceeded to read it to me. At that point I really did wonder why I wrote so m things down, I just wanted to go back to sleep!
Austin has his 2 front teeth, but now he is missing the tooth on both sides.
He has become very fond of a had that Mike got him. It is the kind of hat that Elmer Fudd wears.
Austin and I have jokingly said that his name should be changed to Elmer Bunny (1/2 Elmer Fudd, 1/2 Bugs Bunny)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
He Has Patience
Last night, I was asleep. I heard little feet come to the side of my bed. I peeked to see who it was. There stood Adam. I pointedly asked,"What?" Adam said he wanted to snuggle. I looked at the clock and realized it was just after 3 am. I told him, "It is not 6." I closed my eyes. I thought he was going back to bed, but I heard Adam doing something with my alarm clock. I asked what he was doing and he said he was fixing it. I thought he meant he was making sure that the time on my clock was the same time he had on his clock, as to not miss any snuggle time. Then I heard more movement. I peeked again, to find him sitting on the floor by my bedside looking at my clock. I asked, "What on earth are you doing?" Adam very calmly said, "Waiting for 6."
If that is not patience, I don't know what is!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
For A Change Of Pace
We met with the cousins at my parents house and the boys went sledding. While they were out, I decided we would make soft pretzels for a yummy snack and something different to do.
The boys made lots of different shapes. Some tried to make the traditional pretzel shape, but we also had the Virginia Tech logo, a man, and a pizza.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas in Reverse
In September, Mike and I were contacted to see if we would like to help with activities as the children would practice for the Christmas musical. It sounded like fun, so we agreed.
The musical was called Christmas in Reverse. It was a new way to look at the Christmas story. Rather than just looking at Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and wise men, it showed WHY Jesus came to earth.

Monday, December 13, 2010
Jar Gifts
Austin came home and had a jar for cran-raisin cookies, and one for bean soup. I was very excited about both, but particularly about the soup. I thought what a wonderful supper on a cold winter day!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Spirit Day
I went on a search for blue and white. Austin did not have anything! Then he told me that he could wear a Blue Streaks shirt. Well, that is fine, however, I did not have a blue streaks shirt for them, and I was not about to buy one.
Then I got creative! I was folding laundry on Wednesday, and saw a plain white t-shirt. The wheels in my mind started moving. White T-shirt, blue sharpie, Mike's art minor! I think I have it!
It made me very happy to see my boys so eager to support the Streaks, as I was a Streak in High School.
I'm sure no one else has a shirt just like theirs, I am anxious to hear the comments they had today on their shirts.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hero's Dinner
My boys wanted to invite their cousins, Eamon and Shannon, as their heros. They, also, invited Mamaw. She was my hero for being there with the boys as I was helping with the dinner.
It is always a fun evening!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Adam's Field Trip
Me: "How was your trip today?"
Adam: "Oh, it was great! Guess What!?! I was the only kid in my class to drink Mello Yello for lunch!"
Me: "Okay, What else. Tell me about he houses, the people you talked too, the animals..."
Adam: "Oh, yea. We fed the hens cat food and threw grass in for the pigs to eat. But, can you believe I was the only one to drink Mello Yello?
Me :*sigh*
Later, we were driving home from play practice at church. I was explaining to the boys that when we got home it was time to get into pajamas and brush teeth, they were headed straight to bed. Adam informed me, "I had Mello Yello for lunch I have lots of energy, I think I can stay up for a while." To which I replied, "No, that has worn off and you will be going to bed." (I saw him yawning at practice. And I am sure he was asleep within minutes of the light going out!)
After thinking about it, I remembered that when Austin went on this trip he came home only talking about chamber pots. At least that is history related, right?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Another Use For Bedsheets
We have a huge Maple tree in our back yard. I have raked the leaves, then the boys would play in them. In the end you couldn't tell that I raked them. We do have the service where the city comes and vacuums the leaves into a big truck, but they have to be by the curb (which is in front of the house!), we had talked about mowing over all the leaves (but we just recently put all the bikes in the shed-with the mower-it would be quite the pain to do that). It really was quite the conundrum!
I decided yesterday I was going to rake it, fill trash cans with leaves and walk them to the curb. I started this, and the boys came home from school, so they started to help me. Mike soon came out with a bedsheet! Once I realized what he was doing my thought was --BRILLIANT!
I would help Mike and Austin fill the bedsheet with leaves and they would carry it to the road. While they did this, I pulled the piles back together. It worked great!
It was very cute, the sheet would be filled and and they would be pulling the corners up I would hear one or the other say, "this is a lot" or "this load is big." I think a comment was made almost every time!
I love how Mike can see a use for something that I never would have imagined. It certainly keeps thing interesting!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
November 21st
On November 21, 1998 Mike and I had been hanging out some time. Mike had come over to my parents house, I think we watched a movie. My parents had gone to visit my aunt (it was her birthday). Mike was getting ready to leave and he kissed me. It was at that point that we started dating.
Now, we fast forward to November 21st, 2002. I found out that I was pregnant with Adam that day. For supper I fixed meatballs and rice (ironically, the same meal that I fixed when I found out I was pregnant with Austin--I had not made it since). Austin, for some reason, fell asleep right before supper. We let him sleep. I asked Mike if he remembered the last time I made that meal. He didn't. I told him it was when we found out we were going to have Austin. He understood what I was saying. We were both thrilled!
Today, however, nothing that monumental happened.
November 21st will always be a special day to me. My life changed dramatically on this date in 1998 and 2002. I wouldn't change it for anything!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Just to Prove My Point
Actually, I started yesterday. As we were walking home from school, Austin found a frame from one of the political signs that people put in the yards. He decided that this really was a keeper! I cannot tell you how many things it was on the way home, or how many different noises. :) I thought, well tomorrow is trash day, I will slip it in the trash and no one will miss it.
This morning, Adam started to take the trash down to the road. Austin said he would do the recycling. Austin took the recycling box down as I was putting 2 more cans out to be picked up. Austin came in the house, but Adam did not. I asked Austin if he took the extra cans down that I placed outside the door. He said, "no, Adam is creating something." In just a few minutes, Adam came in and said I had to come see what he created.
It is a bell. I can guarantee you that no one else in the neighborhood has a dinner bell like this one!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
He Sees Things Differently...
Yesterday while we were walking home from school, Adam found what I would call litter. He saw a treasure in it!
His treasure consisted of an empty 2 liter soda bottle, and a pencil. I thought he would carry it home and we would recycle the bottle (and I was going to trash the pencil), as we have done with other "treasures" he has found. But he had a different plan for this bottle. He explained to me that he thought we should put the pencil in the label of the bottle and fill the bottle with water. That way if the house were to catch on fire the pencil would start to burn, and it would melt the plastic, then the water would come out and everything would be fine!
That is some great thinking, Adam. However, we will not put the insurance of our house on a soda bottle filled with water.
Mom stopped by our house and we were explaining this to her. She said, "he is going to create something big one day!"
Then as I was putting him to bed, he said there was one more thing that he needed to check. I had never noticed it before, I don't know when he created this, but...
...he had taken a slinky and attached it to the pull of the blinds in his room. Then he took a flashlight and placed it in the slinky. He did this to create starlight. We do have glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, I'm not sure if he is wanting to charge the stars with this light, or if he is just wanting a little light, that maybe a star would provide.
I love that Adam's mind works totally different than mine. However, I do find that very fact to be totally exhausting!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A Little Out of the Norm
Tuesday was election day. The boys were out of school. Monday, after school, Austin was invited to his friends house to play for a few hours. His mom and I talked and decided we would pick him up around dinner time. When Mike went to get him, he called me and said, "they want Austin to spend the night." Well, that sounded like fun!
Mike took Adam out to McDonald's for a special "Adam and Daddy time." When they came home Adam decided that we should play Apples to Apple 7+ (He always adds the 7+ it is a very important part of the title to this 7 year old!) Then he was allowed to fall asleep in our bed. usually this is only a Friday night treat (they fall asleep in our bed and when I am ready to go to bed They go to their beds. For some reason they really love this!), but this was a special night. On Tuesday morning he chose to have waffles. So, I made waffles. Usually, I don't for the simple fact that I can only do 1 waffle at a time where I can do up to 5 pancakes at a time--I go for simplicity! We had a really fun time with Adam and enjoyed his evening and morning choices. (Austin had a great time at Isaac's house)
This weekend was our Sunday School classes retreat weekend. Mike and I decided that we would go for Saturday. We lined my dad up to watch the boys. The closer we got to the weekend, the more decided that maybe it would be a good idea for the boys to spend the night at Mamaw and Papaw's house. We packed everything up and had the boys to their house around 8:30 am. It sounded like they had a fun day. I called last night and mom said they were playing apples to apples (7+ :) Which I know Adam loved!! They even got Dad to play the game (Thanks!)
Apparently, when Papaw was getting ready for bed, Mamaw helped the boys crawl into their bed so they could scare Papaw. When he crawled in bed, the popped up singing "When you wake up in the morning, it's quarter to 1 and you want to have some fun, you brush your teeth..." It wounded like they went to at least 10 with the song. Papaw said he really did not see them in the bed. I would have loved to have seen this.
Mike and I had a great time at our retreat, but it was good to see the boys again. They said that they may have missed us just a little. That is okay! I think that means they had a good time.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Adam's Newest Numbers
Adam went to the Dr. this week for his 7 year check-up. I was very pleased when they weighed him he was 45.5 pounds. He has gained about 3 pounds since the last time I checked.
His height was 46.25. At our house we do not go by how much you have grown. We go by how much more do I have to grow to get out of the booster seat! (and sometimes it is the water slide at the pool) At this point I think he has about 10 more inches until he can get out of the booster seat!
At other appointments for his check-ups, the Dr. always said that Adam was in about he 10% for his height and weight. Somehow, I'm not sure how, he has jumped to almost the 25%. He is growing!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
2nd Tooth
Tuesday was the night for the boys to go out with Mike. When the came home Adam came running to find me. He said, "Guess what?" I replied, "what?" (really with that question it is left wide open! :) Then he said, "I lost my tooth!" He tooth was wiggly, but I didn't think it near ready to come out! I guess that might explain why, when he held the tooth out for me to see, his hands were a bit bloody.
Apparently, Adam had been wiggling his tooth in the car. When they went over some railroad tracks it was just enough to get it out!
I was glad to hear he was taking time to wiggle it when there was nothing else to do. Just like the Dr. wanted.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A Beautiful Kind of Noise
He practices and makes noise (not always music), but he is starting to get more of the musical sounds.
I do love to hear him play--even the screeches and "not so great sounds." I see that as the early part of this violin journey
Monday, October 11, 2010
Managed By Who?

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Even While Sleeping
When I walked in his room, he sat up. So I knelt by his bed and told him it was still night time and he could go back to sleep. He laid down and said,
Friday, September 24, 2010
Our Pumpkin Saga For Today
In May I planted the seeds. I have watched, watered, learned about, and asked questions about pumpkins. The pumpkins are getting ripe now. I have baked 4 and have about 15 cups of pumpkin in the freezer.
One thing I still need to learn is: how to tell if they are truly ripe!
Today I was out looking at my pumpkins and found one that was orange and when I moved it, it came off the vine very easily. My thought was, "Oh! I have a ripe pumpkin!"
Side note: I do not have a good record with knives. 2 years ago I used a large knife at my sisters house and had to go to the ER to have my finger glued.
Lana has, luckily, been here to cut the other pumpkins open for me. But, she was not here today. I decided to give it a whirl. The knife I chose did nothing! So, I got a BIGGER knife! It did nothing. I called Lana and asked how she did this. She replied, "determination!" Okay, Mike will have the determination.
When Mike came home I asked him to cut it open. He saw the pumpkin and said, "let the boys make a face in it first." Mike just recently bought some "Mr. Potato Head" type of facial features that you put in pumpkins. The boys enjoy them!
He tried to start a hole for the face, but couldn't. Then he said, "I'll just cut it open" He tried my bread knife. That didn't do anything. He said, "maybe a saw..." (huh???), but then decided to bust it on the carport. However, when he got outside he said, "maybe I'll crack it with the car!" When I heard this I grabbed the camera!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
He Loves Doing This...
Someone at our church is a GENIUS! They decided to let the children get coffee mugs and carry the mugs around to collect coins from people as the ushers are collecting the offering. Who can resist giving these cute children a few coins for a good cause? I know I can't resist, and Adam LOVES this!!
Today the worship leader said, "we will have the children come up to collect Penny Power" I think Adam was out of our row before she was done talking! They prayed and the children got their mugs. I can never keep track of Adam because he tends to go all over the church.
It was almost over when he finally got to our section. His mug was 3/4 full of coins, PLUS he had a plastic grocery bag that had quite a number of coins as well. I made my donation to his mug, and he proceeded to try to go the front of the church again. I had to go out and tell him that he was done and he needed to turn in his money.
As I was getting back to my seat I passed a friend from Sunday School, who had seen what Adam was doing. I said, "He was going to go around for seconds!" She smiled and said, "Hit everyone until they don't have anymore!"
After Adam came back to his seat, he had to excitedly report how much he got!
I'm glad he enjoys this, and I'm glad that it is going to good cause!
Monday, September 13, 2010
It Makes Sense To Me
Well, if you can wear shorts why can't you wear longs? It makes sense to me.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Off To A Good Start!
~A few nights later Austin was asking very deep questions before bed. He was wondering :
However, Adam was able to do the fun house. Austin was too tall!
We rode the Ferris Wheel. Mike had some fun with the camera. He actually got me on the other side of it!
Fun family picture.

Sunday we went back. Austin's friend Isaac came along with us. Here are all 3 boys coming down the Super Slide.
Isaac and Austin on the Merry-go-Round.
The 3 boys on the swings.
It started to get really busy. We had rode most of the rides, had funnel cake and pink lemonade. We decided to head out. It was still early, so we went to my parents and...
did some sparklers.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
1st Day of School
I think everyone was ready!
I left the house the same time they did so I could go to the store. I stopped at school and got a quick picture of them as they were about to enter the school.
I found it interesting, Adam had all summer to sleep in, yet most days he was up by 6:15. The 1st day of school however, I have to wake him at 7:10!
All of my boys came home yesterday, and seemed to have had a great day. Adam had stories about his teacher. Austin didn't say much (never really does), but from what I could get from him, it sounded like a good day.
We are all very excited about this year!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Quick Weekend Trip
Friday we headed to PA and stayed with Mike's friend from High School. They have boys that are about our boys ages, they love to go there and play. This is the first time they got to have a sleep over. The boys laughed and giggled and talked way past their bed time!
Mike took a turn.....
We had a great time! (Adam's sad face is due to the fact that he wanted to Mike to push him on the zip line, but it was pushed a little too fast, and he got scared!) Thank you Dylan and Micah for letting us play!
As soon as Austin got out of the car he saw this mushroom, he thought it was pretty neat. I'm always glad when they find an interest in science.
Adam rode the Gator...
hit dead tree stumps. They do this about every time we are up there!
Then the boys got the walkie-talkies. They were going to play walkie-talkie hide and seek. But found it to be just as fun to talk on them. We had to laugh because the were within talking distance, but would use the walkie talkies. Then to top it off, they were both riding in the Gator, and talking to each other over the walkie talkies. At least they were having fun!