Sunday, August 9, 2009

What do you need for a laboratory?

First of all, you need a microscope (to look at things like hairs, eraser dust, and a thread), A bunch of little things, you know, this and that,

some other things, do-dads and thing-a-ma-jiggers,

a curious little boy or two,

And free reign to explore.

They pulled this stuff out today, and started to play "science." In one of their science kits, they had some powder to make a snack similar to Jell-O. As they were doing this, I was reading in the living room, and had to giggle to myself when I heard some of their comments. Austin said, "Let's make monster brains!" Later, I heard Adam say, "This is yummier than it looks!!" Then I heard "So sour it makes me shiver!"

It might be scary if they one day get into real science!!

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