Monday, August 31, 2009

Sweeping the floor.

This evening, Austin was helping me clean up after supper. He got the broom and was sweeping the floor in the dining room and kitchen. He did a really good job! He even did a good job of getting it in the dust pan. Then he dumped it in the trash can. I was standing nearby, and could tell that it did not all make it in the trash can. When Austin discovered this he thoughtfully said, "Maybe the ants will get that."

Let's just say--I HOPE NOT!!!


  1. The ants go marching one by one.....Hurrah! Hurrah!

    Hopefully there are no ants marching in your house.

  2. Good for Austin for being a great helper!

    We have ants in our house. They like to hang out in the bottom of the dishwasher, licking up all the goodies that have dripped down there. Then we turn the dishwasher on and have an ant massacre. But the next time we have dirty dishes in there, other members of the ant regiment come marching in. They never learn from the fact that their comrades never return from the dishwasher!
