Monday, August 10, 2009

How did he know that?

Adam never ceases to amaze me!! How did he know:

~A grasshopper has wings? He claimed they were used for flying, but in actuality they are able to jump 20 times their body length, not really fly. (I Had to look this up in the world book to be sure)

~the word monocle means one eye glass lens? He uses the word correctly and even said he was going to make one the other day!

~how to use the word gradually correctly in a sentence? I would have thought that a kid who has not been to Kindergarten yet would have said something like slowly, or something similar. But, Adam says gradually.

How did he know that?


  1. Isn't it funny what parents/adults can learn from kids!

  2. Sorry about that, my computer must have still been logged in as you. :)
