Adam has been saying that he wants a desk in his room (since we recently revamped Austin's room). I kept putting him off, thinking that one day I would find a nice, regular size desk for his room, just not today.
Then Adam saw a desk in the basement, and that suited him just fine. The desk is a small child size desk. Perfect for Adam.
We worked on making a nice space for his new treasure.
And moved in his new desk. For him to work on bills, income taxes, errrr....uhhh...maybe doing some coloring sheets or writing will do for now.
"When I was a child I talked like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." 1 Cor 13:11
I think this might be a sign that Adam is growing up.
I know that he is supposed to grow up...that is the way things are. But it is hard for me to imagine him growing up to be a young man. It will happen before I know it!