Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Special Delivery

Adam brought a surprise to the door for me today.

Aren't they beautiful? The only problem is, when he brings me these wonderful surprises, he only leaves about an inch of stem. I just don't have a vase to work with that. Oh well, I will have to enjoy them in a bowl.


Yesterday Mike was able to have a good bit of time to turn the VHS tapes of the boys into DVD's. It was so fun to see the boys at 3 and 1 again (however, I am glad that we are at the stages we are at!).

One of the segments that I was able to watch was of Austin in front of the church singing with the children's department. I noticed that he kept rubbing his face with the back of his hand during this time. I have known that he has this habit for a while, but I did not realize that it started when he was 3.

Then last night, as he was eating his ice cream, and I was cleaning up the dishes, I saw him doing it again. Then it hit me! He reminds me of my Grandma (my mom's mom) when he does that! I got on the phone to call my mom to ask if I was remember this correctly. Grandma would rub the back of her hand over her nose and mouth. Austin has just expanded it to his whole face and sometimes his hair!

I did not know my Grandma very well. She lived a fairly long distance from us. I remember twice when we made the 3 day drive to their place. I did see her more than the two times, but those are the only two I remember. Apparently, I remember a trait of hers!

I have mentioned in my blog before how Austin looks so much like Mike and has mannerisms like Mike, and from time to time I will catch a picture that has an expression just like Mike's mom. As it turns out, he may have just a little of my side as well (I'm glad it was a trait that I could place!)

Monday, March 29, 2010


We have had some wonderful spring-like days recently. One thing I love about spring, usually late March, is that Mike gets the kites out, and the boys will fly kites. Mike and Adam got this one going one day last week. Adam did a very good job of controlling the kite (with Mike's help)

We are on spring break this week. We did not have many plans for the week, other than some house projects. I had hoped that we could get the basement cleaned up, since we still had boxes stacked from re-doing Austin's room.

It worked in our favor, when Mike's mom called last weekend and said they were planning a trip to our house. What better incentive to get things done than company coming?

This morning, Mike and I put the top bunk on top of the bed that has been in Austin's room (the bed that Adam has been sleeping in) Austin had not wanted the top bunk, but we told him that it would be a great way to store the bed, plus when friends come over for night we have a bed ready for them to sleep in. He agreed!

This afternoon, we went to several stores to find a bookshelf for his room. We found one, and after supper Mike got it put together. Then I was able to unpack a box of books that belong in this room.

Adam was helping Mike. At first he sat on the side and gave him encouraging words. Then Mike gave him the job of taking the stickers off the shelf.

Of course, with work you need to have a little fun. Adam found these in the box that the shelf came in.

He rubber banded them to his feet and was quite pleased how much taller they made him. However, ever with the help of this packaging, he is still not tall enough to be out of a booster seat. (that was the first thing he wanted to check)
It is a good feeling to get all this done, but I guess not everything has to be done the first day, right?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pure Genius

We have a roller skating rink in our town. We have been several times. The only problem was that Adam was not a confident skater, which in turn means, I had to skate with him. I had to be aware of his moves, help keep him up, and be aware of my own feet so he didn't trip on me.

My sister was having my nephews party at the skating rink a few weeks ago. I was mentioning this to her and she said, "they now have skate walkers!" I don't know if this is what they are called, but whatever they are, and who ever came up with them are GENIUS!

It is actually only PVC pipes put together, then placed on wheels! Simple, huh? But they work great! I didn't even put skates on, and he had a blast skating on his own.
He would even do "fancy" moves. There were a couple of times I looked out on the floor and found him spinning his walker in front of him. Then when the open side came back around, he would grab on quickly! I, also, saw him try to jump with his skates on. I guess he has seen this somewhere, but he is not at this level yet!

I got a closer picture, in some better light. All I have to say is --PURE GENIUS!

The Good And The Bad

Adam's eczema had gotten totally out of control! I made an appointment with a local allergist to see if this could be stemming from some unknown allergy. We had the appointment yesterday. The Dr. tested him for 39 different allergens. They did this by making blue dots on his arms then taking something like a toothpick and placing some serum of whatever is being tested by the dot. I was holding his hands still during this time, so that the serum wouldn't run and the test would be accurate. I had to laugh, and tell Adam that his arms reminded me of the story of Freckle Juice by Judy Blume. Adam thought that was sort of funny. He told me that the Dr. should be called a mystery Dr., because he had to solve mysteries. When we told the Dr. that, he thought that was very accurate.

When the all came up negative he did another test on the 6 major ones to make sure that he wasn't allergic to them. These were little shots that place some serum (?) under the skin to see if there is a reaction to that.

There was no reaction. The Dr. said he was surprised that he didn't react to any of them. He really thought there would be an allergy. That made me feel better!

The good news is that there are no allergies! The bad news is that we still don't know exactly what to do to get it under control. Maybe the Dermatologist will be next on our list!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Talking With My Boys

Supper was interesting tonight. Mike had Parent/Teacher Conferences until this evening, so it was just me and the boys at the table. I thought this would be the opportune time to review the memory work that Adam's Sunday School class is trying to learn. I said the verse and Adam repeated it. Then he told me, "Be sure to remember that I forget quickly." I had to think, "Okay, but you won't be able to use that excuse for very long!" Then he said, "I have an idea, I will just follow what the other kids are saying. I will say it so fast, you won't know that I am following them." My thought was, "Oh dear, this is NOT going to work!"

This past Sunday was our first Sunday at this church. The boys were very excited after Sunday School because they did feet washing (Adam keeps talking about hand washing also). That was something new to them, and it went with the story they studied in Sunday School.

After we finished the conversation about the memory work, we started to talk about the feet washing, and the Bible story it goes with. I decided I would try to find it in the Bible so that we could read the story. I was having trouble putting my finger on it. I knew that time was short, because Austin was starting piano lessons today. So, I told Austin that I would get the other Bible that had a concordance. I was explaining all this too him and he said, "I know, when we go to my piano lesson, we can ask Ms. Diane where it is in the Bible." I told him, "I did not think that was a good use of her time, when we were suppose to be doing a lesson. Besides, I'm quite sure that we can find this ourselves." (just a note--we did find the story) I was very impressed in how Austin retold the story and some of the questions that he had about the story. He is really starting to think about what he is hearing.

I really enjoy the conversations that I have with the boys. I am still never quite sure what Adam will say, but I have noticed that Austin is seeming to understand and converse in a more serious manner (sometimes! :)

Friday nights...

This past fall, Mike and I would allow the boys to fall asleep in our bed (then taken to their own beds when we are ready to go too bed) on weekends. At that time it did not work well to have them in at the same time. So, we had one on Friday night, the other on Saturday night. Then the next weekend they would switch. I cannot remember why, but we stopped doing this over the winter.

The boys have recently started to ask f they can do it again. I think it is a fun treat for them, so I agreed.

This is a picture of them last Friday night. I do love to go look at them snuggled up to each other!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best Brownies Ever!

My birthday was 2 weeks ago. I decided that all I really wanted was some REALLY good brownies! But, of course, I didn't want to make them by myself, that would take all the fun out of it!

Today, I was at the store, and I happened to remember the stuff I needed to make the brownies. When the boys came home from school, they were very excited about the afternoon project. Even before the brownies were baked they were declared the best brownies ever!

The boys had so much fun dumping things in, then they thought it was great when I swirled some peanut butter in, the most fun was when they were able to sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Do they get any better than that?

I have to say, I agree with the boys. They are the best brownies ever!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's All A Matter of Opinion

Today is a lovely day. It's about 58 F, it's wet from the rain we got yesterday, but that is okay. The boys are able to get outside and play. We came to my parents house, and, of course, there was ice cream. The boys were sent to the front porch to eat it.

I went out to move my car, so the boys could play basketball. Adam was sitting on the porch steps with his legs crossed, eating his ice cream. Much as the picture below.

As I pass him, he says to me, "It sure is a hot day!" I don't think I would call it hot, nice, but not hot!

If he thinks this is hot, we may be in trouble come July and August!

It's Good to Exercise

I have recently started a ceramic Nativity set. I am actually doing the cleaning of 2 sets, and Lana will get the second one.

Last evening at supper I was telling Mike and the boys about what I was doing and what I had yet to do. Austin looked at me very seriously and said, "It's good to exercise!" I said, "Yes, but I'm talking about ceramics." He repeated, "And it is good to exercise." Then he added, "We could exercise right now." And started moving his arms up and down. I then realized what he was talking about. I said, "Austin I'm talking about ceramics, with clay. Not aerobics!"

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Treehouse Within

Yesterday afternoon was another beautiful day. The boys came home from school and decided it was a good time to go and dig. I sent Mike out with the camera to capture a picture of this wonderful hole that the boys are continually working on.

I noticed that the boys then started to play a bit in the treehouse. Mike got some good pictures of that as well. You can see the treehouse so much better in the winter, when there are not leaves. The boys do have hours of fun around this tree!

Austin came in to work on homework. A while later Mike and Adam followed. They handed me the camera, so I could see what Adam had been working on. I really wasn't sure what I was looking at, but they explained it to me.

Adam, apparently, gathered a bunch of sticks out of the yard. (That saved Mike a lot of time come mowing season!) He then took them into the treehouse.

He arranged them very neatly once in the treehouse. These sticks are to provide somewhat of a disguise for the treehouse. He was trying to create a treehouse that was hidden by a "tree".

Pretty clever, I'd say!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Signs of Spring!

For most people, the signs of spring may be warmer weather, hearing the birds sing, longer days, and flowers starting to who signs that they will bloom. While I enjoy all of these things there are two things that I love about spring even more! My boys being able to play OUTSIDE!!

Today was absolutely beautiful! The boys and I had a nice walk home from school. Then they were able to play outside for awhile before it started to cool down. Adam found a nice long stick that he carried around for some time. When I went out to check on him, I saw an inch worm in the driveway. That added a whole new level of fun! Adam strategically placed pieces of bark, a few gravels, the long stick to make a wonderful obstacle course for the worm.

He kept a close eye on him, until he came in and said, "the worm went into his home." I guess that was the end of their play date.

As for Austin, He somehow always ends up doing the same thing. He has done this one thing for YEARS, and still loves it!

Let me start by saying we have a wonderful tree in our backyard. I think our whole family would cry if anything happened to this tree. It has the fantastic treehouse that Mike built. It has a swinging horse, a talking tube, and a rope swing. Most often when the boys go out to play, they play at the tree. The thing that Austin loves most about the tree, is the great dirt patch under it! Austin will go out and dig, and dig and dig! Today, he found a worm and said, "Mamaw would not like that!" I had to think how well he knew his Mamaw!

I did not get any pictures of him digging, but I did get one that is surely a sign a spring! Look at those dirt marks on his pants. I don't know any better sign of spring!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mega hole

This post is Austin's post. He even got to name it!

Austin has had a very loose tooth for some time now. Last Sunday, we had soup for supper and he commented that eating the soup bothered his tooth. I thought, "How is this going to work, if soup bothers the tooth, I can't imagine what WON'T bother it!" I started to joke with Austin that I was ready to kick the tooth out, much like the post last month, when he lost that tooth.

At supper this evening, he said the tooth was bothering him again. He was really wiggling it, and it was much looser than it was last night. Mike and Austin started to talk. They decided that they would tie floss around the tooth and the other end of the floss would be tied to a Nerf dart. (Ironically, Austin thought of this and actually tried it with another tooth, but it did not work.)
So, he was all set. He just had to decide when he was ready.

Then, suddenly, he was without a tooth. He was pretty happy about this!

I even got a picture of the tooth that still had the floss tied to it.

All I can say is, I'm glad it's not corn of the cob season!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Shopping at Glen's

Not too long ago, Austin saw an advertisement on TV for Glen's Fair Price. Glen's Fair Price is a hard store to describe. They have absolutely EVERYTHING! but at the same time, I can go there and find NOTHING I need! I will say that it is an interesting store.

He was sure he had to go there! He had been asking Mike when they could go. Mike tried to take him one day, but did not realize that the store closed at 5. Austin was devastated! Mike promised that they would go in the next couple of days. Yesterday was the day!

From what I understand (since I was not there) is that they went in the store and were looking around. Mike told the boys they could each pick 1 thing under a certain price. The lady at the cash register heard this and said, "In that case, I will show you downstairs." Downstairs they have a fairly big room of old things that have not sold over the years. The boys had so much fun looking at all the toys and things they had.

Austin chose a policeman's hat. I think he looks very cute in it. (Austin had a hard time knowing how to smile in this picture. His front tooth is so loose that it sort of sits on his lip--I'm not sure if that is totally intentional or not. But, that is the reason for him smiling like that.)

Adam chose to get a blue Batman mask and cape. I was kind of glad to see this because we have a black set just like it. Last Sunday at church we were told that the kids had been talking about superheros--somehow relating it to the Bible stories. Since Sunday will be the last Sunday they are talking about this, they are having a Superhero party and can come in capes. We only had 1--until now :)

Last night, I put Adam to bed and later went in to check on him. This is what I found...

He really seems to be fond of his choice!

The boys had so much fun, they were asking to go again today. I really think that this one trip is enough for a while!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

He's Always Thinking

Adam is a child who is ALWAYS thinking, he asks some really good questions, and very often he amazes me!

Last night I tucked Adam into bed. Not too long after, he called me into his room. when I was there he asked me. "how things fly in the air if gravity pulls things too the ground?" There I was thinking, "How am going to explain this so that a kindergartner will understand?" Then, I had a great idea! "MIKE...could you explain this to Adam?" He did, and he did a great job.

I know that when I was in kindergarten I did not think how gravity could effect an airplane. I just knew that airplanes could fly, and that was that.

But, one thing that amazes me is that he not only asks these questions, he retains what we tell him. This morning, he was playing with a balloon that one of my students gave me, and he was talking about gravity again.

I will love to see what kind of career he does one day!