We have a roller skating rink in our town. We have been several times. The only problem was that Adam was not a confident skater, which in turn means, I had to skate with him. I had to be aware of his moves, help keep him up, and be aware of my own feet so he didn't trip on me.
My sister was having my nephews party at the skating rink a few weeks ago. I was mentioning this to her and she said, "they now have skate walkers!" I don't know if this is what they are called, but whatever they are, and who ever came up with them are GENIUS!
It is actually only PVC pipes put together, then placed on wheels! Simple, huh? But they work great! I didn't even put skates on, and he had a blast skating on his own.

He would even do "fancy" moves. There were a couple of times I looked out on the floor and found him spinning his walker in front of him. Then when the open side came back around, he would grab on quickly! I, also, saw him try to jump with his skates on. I guess he has seen this somewhere, but he is not at this level yet!

I got a closer picture, in some better light. All I have to say is --PURE GENIUS!
That is amazing what some one will come up with that can be so helpful. Mamaw Betty