Austin is now 9 years old!
I looked back at last years post to see what I wrote about that might be a little different than what I wrote last year. Something that years down the road Austin (or more likely, his wife) will find interesting. Last year I had a picture of every year for Austin. This year I just found some that I thought were cute. I tried to have them in chronological order, but did not hit every year. They are just a glimpse into some of his life. At some point, I may do another post, that will include pictures of other year, just for fun.
I decided that I would revisit his late pregnancy/labor. Austin was born on June 20th. His actual due date was July 13. But, to tell his story, we need to back up to May 13th--Mother's Day.
First family picture, just minutes after delivery
We had gone to church that morning. Then went to have lunch with my parents as we usually did. After lunch, Mike and I went home and I was in our room changing out of my church dress. I had a horrible cramp! I remember bending over, and laying on my side on the bed and calling for Mike. When he got there all I could say was, "it hurts, it hurts..." Once it passed, I felt fine. Mike was not so sure. He made me lay on the couch and rest the remainder of the day. Monday, May 14, I got up and got ready for work. Mike asked if I should be going. I said, "Well, I'm not sick!" As the day went on, I started to feel bad. At lunch I called my sister, who had just had a baby 3 months prior, and asked, "Do you really feel this bad for the last 3 months on the pregnancy?" She told me no, and suggested that I call the Dr. office and talk to them. I called them, and they wanted to see me. I left work early that day and went straight to the office. They monitored me for some time, and found that I was having regular contractions, and that I had dilated to 1 cm (I was 30 weeks at this point). They sent me to the hospital for further observation. I went home, got Mike, called Carol to tell her what was going on, and ask what I should pack! We headed to the hospital.
Austin, 2 months old
Once we were at the hospital, they started a medicine that helped to stop the contractions. (As I remember, the medicine worked really well at stopping the contractions, but made me very shaky! ) My mom had stopped at Carol's after work, and Carol told her that I was in the hospital. I did not take her long to come and see what was going on! I was only observed there for about 4 hours. They sent me home with orders for strict bed rest. This meant that I was not allowed to do ANYTHING except to stay in bed and rest. I did have the privilege to use the bathroom, but that was it!

Austin, 5 months old
About 2 hours after arriving home, I told Mike was tired of this! But, I knew I had to do it. Mom and Dad brought over a twin bed to put in our living room. It was quite a bit more comfortable than the couch. Mike had several little tables around so that I could have the phone, books, the lunch he would pack be before work, the gallon of water he would prepare for me, etc. The days did get very long! I was more eager than usual for Mike to come home from work. I just wanted someone to talk to! Mom would stop by after work and help with house work. I remember my hips hurting so badly, from laying, laying, and laying! I would sit up for just a few minutes to give my hips a break, Mom and Mike would both yell at me to "LAY BACK DOWN!!" I would feel like crying, telling them how badly it hut my hips.
Austin, 9 or 10 months old
On June 18th, I was told that I was far enough along in my pregnancy that I could stop taking the medicine, and Austin would most likely be fine. I looked forward to June 18th. That day I was trying to clean the house, I would do the dishes for a bit, then I would need to go rest. It was amazing how quickly I got tired, but then again, not surprising since I had done nothing but lay around for about 6 weeks.

Austin, 15 months
That evening we had a birthday supper for my sister at my parents house. Mike and I came home and I remember watching "
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (hosted by
Regis Philbin if that puts a date on it at all) in the basement (was that because it was cooler--I'm not sure). As I was watching this, I remember timing contractions. At some point in the evening I was laying on the couch upstairs, and Mike had called his brother for his birthday on the 19
th. As they were talking, I was timing contractions and I heard Mike tell his brother, "Yea, she is having contractions, but it will probably be a week or two." I just laughed!

Austin, age 2
I went to bed for about 2 hours, then I had to get up. I remember being hungry, and eating a Pop-tart (of all things--ugh). I sat up the rest of the night timing contractions. I wrote this information down. (Funny thing was I found this piece of paper some time later.
Ahhh...memories) At 6 am on the 20
th I called my mid-wife and she told me to head into the hospital. I was checked in, and when I got to my room, I was met by a Labor and Delivery nurse that went to my church. It was nice to be greeted with a familiar face.
Austin, about 2
My labor went as most do. Nothing too notable there. Mike and I gladly met Austin at 12:43 pm that day.
Austin, about 3
Austin had his party today. He invited 1 friend to come to his "party." The most interesting thing about this is that, this friend's mother, is the nurse that first took care of Austin when he went to the nursery. It really is a small world.

Austin, June 2010
Happy Birthday, Austin! We Love You!