Leading up to Christmas, we used a new advent calendar. This Calendar is actually 24 little books that give a little of the Christmas story each day. When you are done reading the book, it has a string to use it as an ornament on the tree. Towards the end of this process, Austin decided that he wanted to read some of the books. On day 23 he was reading. The book says, "'Fear not," says the angel of the Lord....' I was not looking over his shoulder when he was reading, but I was listening to him. When he got to this particular part, I heard, ""Fear not," says the eagle of the Lord..." I had to stop him and correct him. Then we had a good laugh about the Christmas eagle. :)
Yesterday I was making pancakes for breakfast. Adam walked by the kitchen and said, "Mommy, I'm going to the bathroom. I just don't want you to worry." I laughed to myself and thought, I wouldn't have worried, but now I'm wondering if I should.
My sister, Lana, just had a baby 11 days ago. The boys have made some statements lately that have really made me wonder...
1. Lana and Grace needed to stay in the hospital one extra day, for observation. Adam heard this and asked if they were putting the baby back in. (Lana heard this and said, "OUCH!")
2.Yesterday, Austin commented several times that Lana should have another baby in her tummy, maybe even twins! (give the poor girl a little time!!)
3. The boys have been crawling on the floor saying "gaa gaa goo goo" then they say "this is what baby Grace does." Little do they realize, at this point baby Grace does NOTHING!
4. Austin was just here, and read #1. He then asked, "why did Lana say ouch?" (Oh my!!)
I think they have a little to learn before reaching parenthood!
With our boys we have many types of moments. We have happy, sad, joyous, and celebratory moments. Moments that make me proud, and some that, well....we won't talk about those. The purpse of this blog is to record some the these "Moments With My Boys."
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
1 down, 2 to go.
Several years ago, Mike wrote a children's book. At one point, he printed it out for his Dad (just a paper copy). I remember hearing people say that he should try to publish it. Then I started thinking, "hey, that's not a bad idea!" So, I did some research on the computer, and found a publisher. We submitted 3 books that had been done over a period of years. THEY ACCEPTED ALL 3!!! So, Mike has worked very hard to get the pictures "just right," make sure that all the verbiage is correct, and just the way he wants it. I am so proud of him! He has done a fantastic job with these books.
We got an e-mail the other day, the first book is published and ready for sale! This is a link to the book. Take a look if you like!
We got an e-mail the other day, the first book is published and ready for sale! This is a link to the book. Take a look if you like!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
welcome home
Our family has had a bit of a different week this past week. Last Friday morning at 3:30. I got a call from my sister saying that her water broke, and I should come. I was with her during the labor and delivery of her beautiful little girl, Grace. A snow storm came through on Friday. Mike and the boys tried to come get me on Sunday, but the roads were so bad that it took them an hour to travel what should have been about a 20 minute drive. They turned around and went home. Monday they were able to get there and bring me home.
Wednesday, Mike headed to PA to exchange gifts with his parents, and bring ours back home to us. He came home Thursday night. As I was putting the boys to bed on Thursday, Austin slipped into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and made this note,
and put it between the curtain and window to the carport door. We turned the light on so that this would be the first thing Mike would see. What a wonderful way to be welcomed home!
This week the boys have experienced a few days with Daddy, a few days with Mommy, and a few days with us both. We are looking forward to the rest of our Christmas break-TOGETHER!
Wednesday, Mike headed to PA to exchange gifts with his parents, and bring ours back home to us. He came home Thursday night. As I was putting the boys to bed on Thursday, Austin slipped into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and made this note,
This week the boys have experienced a few days with Daddy, a few days with Mommy, and a few days with us both. We are looking forward to the rest of our Christmas break-TOGETHER!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
He thinks like me.
Last night, Austin was reading a book to me. In the book it talked about rhubarb. I knew this word would be unfamiliar to him, but was interested to see what he would come up with. He studied it, sounded it out and said, "rubbish."
Yes, my boy, that is what I think of rhubarb, too!
Yes, my boy, that is what I think of rhubarb, too!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
moving on...
Adam has had a crush on a girl named Lucy for over 2 years. He even gave her a ring this past summer so that they would be "married." It even go the point that Adam would ask people if they were married, then he would proceed to tell them that he was married to Lucy. She has moved and now lives 2 hours away. Adam was stilled determined that he was going to end up with he. (Just a side note: Lucy is a very sweet, cute girl. I just don't think at 6 Adam is ready to make such a decision!)
The other evening at supper I mentioned that someone was a cute girl (I don't even remember who I was talking about). Adam pipes up and says, "Hailey in my class is a cute girl." I have to say I found relief in that statement. I think he may be moving on from Lucy. A few days after he said this, his class went on a field trip to the firehouse. At one point, they had to sit down. Some of the chairs could hold 2 children. I did notice that Adam went directly to sit with Hailey. I am by no means saying that he must marry this girl!! I am just glad that he is moving on from his preschool crush, and I am thrilled that he is friends with both boys AND girls in his class. (Since then he has also said that Rebecca is cute--I find this humorous because the teacher says they have disagreements about the crayons a lot!)
Lucy, you are a sweet girl, but I think my Adam has moved on...
The other evening at supper I mentioned that someone was a cute girl (I don't even remember who I was talking about). Adam pipes up and says, "Hailey in my class is a cute girl." I have to say I found relief in that statement. I think he may be moving on from Lucy. A few days after he said this, his class went on a field trip to the firehouse. At one point, they had to sit down. Some of the chairs could hold 2 children. I did notice that Adam went directly to sit with Hailey. I am by no means saying that he must marry this girl!! I am just glad that he is moving on from his preschool crush, and I am thrilled that he is friends with both boys AND girls in his class. (Since then he has also said that Rebecca is cute--I find this humorous because the teacher says they have disagreements about the crayons a lot!)
Lucy, you are a sweet girl, but I think my Adam has moved on...
Monday, December 21, 2009
New Cousin
This weekend, we were very pleased to add another cousin to the list in the Kiser family. Grace Elizabeth joined our family Saturday December 19 at 10:21 am.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Field trips
The boys have each had field trips recently, and I was able to participate on both trips.
Last Thursday, Austin's class went to the Children's Museum and to the local TV station (I forgot my camera, so I do not have pictures of this trip). At the Museum we talked about animals and how they adapt to weather changes. At the TV station we were able to talk to one of the meteorologists. She told us about her job and what she does. Then she let each of the children go to the green screen and hold up a green piece of material. They enjoyed watching themselves "disappear." Since the Children's museum is next door to the TV station, we went back and had some time to play and explore the museum.
Today, Adam's class went to the fire station, I did remember my camera this time.
They showed the children how the firefighters get dressed. Then he let each of the the children touch his uniform.
Last Thursday, Austin's class went to the Children's Museum and to the local TV station (I forgot my camera, so I do not have pictures of this trip). At the Museum we talked about animals and how they adapt to weather changes. At the TV station we were able to talk to one of the meteorologists. She told us about her job and what she does. Then she let each of the children go to the green screen and hold up a green piece of material. They enjoyed watching themselves "disappear." Since the Children's museum is next door to the TV station, we went back and had some time to play and explore the museum.
Today, Adam's class went to the fire station, I did remember my camera this time.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Adam's prayer
As I put Adam to bed, he will often say a little prayer, and then I will pray. Usually, Adam says, "Dear Jesus, Thank you for this day, Thank you for a loving family and cute little boys." (wonder where he heard the cute little boys part? :) Tonight, however, he added something new that was unexpected. He said, "Dear Jesus, Thank you for this day, Thank you for a CHRISTIAN family..." My first thought was, WOW! I'm glad he is thankful for this. At the same time, I wonder if he really knows what he is being thankful for. He has never known anything else.
I remember being in Elementary School (it would have been between K-2 from the school I remember this in) thinking that because I was a Christian then everyone was a Christian. With him being 6 and in Kindergarten (in a public school), I'm sure there are not heavy religious conversations around the cafeteria lunch table. But, I can be sure that not all of the kids in his class are Christians.
Kids are very perceptive! I'm glad that he knows that we are Christians!
I remember being in Elementary School (it would have been between K-2 from the school I remember this in) thinking that because I was a Christian then everyone was a Christian. With him being 6 and in Kindergarten (in a public school), I'm sure there are not heavy religious conversations around the cafeteria lunch table. But, I can be sure that not all of the kids in his class are Christians.
Kids are very perceptive! I'm glad that he knows that we are Christians!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
4th and final...for now
In my last post, I stated that Austin had gotten his 3rd 6 year molar. This evening as I was flossing his teeth, I found that he is also getting his 4th 6 year molar. I guess that is the final, until he starts to get his next ones.
I realize that this is probably not interesting to anyone besides myself. I am mainly doing this so that I have some sort of record for years down the road.
I realize that this is probably not interesting to anyone besides myself. I am mainly doing this so that I have some sort of record for years down the road.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
This morning, after breakfast, Austin came up to me complaining about one of his teeth hurting. My first thought was, "oh no, we were just at the dentist in October, and he said everything was great. Now you have this pain...UGH!" I thought I would take a look and see if I could see what was causing the pain. I had to encourage Austin to move his finger, because it was absolutely impossible for me to see the tooth THROUGH his finger. (I think he just wanted to make sure I looked at the right tooth, and didn't want me to lose the place :) I looked and to my relief found that he is getting his 3rd 6 year molar (Austin turned 8 in June!). (I have stated before how I get excited when my boys grow 1/2" because they are on the shorter end of the growth chart--this applies to teeth as well. My boys tend to be very late teethers.)
I was very happy to see that a tooth was coming in, and I wouldn't have to call the dentist for an appointment.
I was very happy to see that a tooth was coming in, and I wouldn't have to call the dentist for an appointment.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I'm wondering why...
I thought it would be a good idea to have the boys help me make Christmas cards.
I brought paint and Christmas cookie cutters home from work. Austin and I stamped the cookie cutter shapes onto paper. Adam had very little interest in doing this. After the stamps dried, I told the boys that they could color the shapes.
Somehow, I don't think this one will make it on a card!
We had such a good time, I didn't realize how late it was. Adam was up past his bedtime, and Austin should have been doing his reading (he did stay up and get that done!).
At some points this evening, I wondered why I was doing all this when I could run out and buy some. But, buying the cards does not give me the giggles and fun I had tonight with my boys
I brought paint and Christmas cookie cutters home from work. Austin and I stamped the cookie cutter shapes onto paper. Adam had very little interest in doing this. After the stamps dried, I told the boys that they could color the shapes.
Adam really enjoyed this part of the project. He would do one and ask, "Mommy, is it beautiful?" He really did a good job!
Austin helped with this part too. However, his pictures were a little less serious.
Somehow, I don't think this one will make it on a card!
We had such a good time, I didn't realize how late it was. Adam was up past his bedtime, and Austin should have been doing his reading (he did stay up and get that done!).
At some points this evening, I wondered why I was doing all this when I could run out and buy some. But, buying the cards does not give me the giggles and fun I had tonight with my boys
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I think everyone has heard this song. And this time of year, if you turn on the radio, you will hear it several times in a very short period of time.
I have to say, I do not remember having many white Christmas' growing up. I seemed to always think that in this area we didn't get snow until January or February. However, I did have a white Christmas at my in-law's a few years ago. And, unexpectedly, again this year.
My family celebrated Christmas this past weekend. This was primarily due to the fact that Lana is due to have a baby this month. This will be the last trip they make up here as a couple. Next time they come, they will be a family of 3. We were so glad that we could have this holiday celebration with them.
We got about 5 inches of snow on Saturday. It was nice to have the boys (big and small) outside playing while we prepared for the meal. It made for a lot of extra clothes to dry, but it was worth it! While outside, the boys built an igloo out of snow. We bought a snow brick maker the other year, so they enjoyed using that to make bricks to build the igloo.
We got about 5 inches of snow on Saturday. It was nice to have the boys (big and small) outside playing while we prepared for the meal. It made for a lot of extra clothes to dry, but it was worth it! While outside, the boys built an igloo out of snow. We bought a snow brick maker the other year, so they enjoyed using that to make bricks to build the igloo.
The igloo was big enough for the boys to be in there. In this picture, Adam is in the igloo.
The boys were exhausted from all the playing. Adam even fell asleep between supper and desert. He woke up afraid that he missed the gift opening. (He did get to bed late Friday night because of the parade, this was an exhausting weekend for him)
Years down the road, the boys may not remember their "White Christmas," but it was fun to have snow on our Christmas day.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The breaking of bread
Saturday, Mom baked several loaves of bread. She placed the bread on a rack, then placed it on a picnic type bench in the back room of their house. The bread was cooling, and we were all anxious to have a piece of fresh, hot out of the oven bread. When we looked in the back room, we saw this. He looks innocent enough, right?
Then, Lana looked a little closer, and asked Mom, "is your bread suppose to look like that?" The loaf beside Adam looked like...
I grabbed to camera, because I could not believe how much was gone.
Then I had to capture a picture of him in the act.
Later, we took the loaf of bread to find that it had been dug out! We wondered how one little boy could eat that much bread. It later came out that Mike and Matt had done their fair share of nibbling, too.
We then joked that he needed some grape juice and he could have had communion.
I do think that Adam ate most of the bread, this is due to the fact that he did not eat much lunch after all that!
I'd like to make a note here: Mom laughed about this!! I'm glad she could see humor in this!
Christmas Parade
Friday was the Christmas Parade. We decided to go. We were very thankful that it was not as cold this year as last year. We still dressed really warm and took plenty of blankets to cuddle in, if needed.
Adam had the best seat in the house! Mike let him sit on his shoulders, then I would take a turn holding him. I think we finally realized, that he is gaining weight!
Adam is used to going to bed at 7:30 on school nights. It was about 7:45 and I noticed he would lay his head on my shoulder, while I was holding him. He finally said, "I'm too tired." I put him in one of the chairs and covered him up.

Adam is used to going to bed at 7:30 on school nights. It was about 7:45 and I noticed he would lay his head on my shoulder, while I was holding him. He finally said, "I'm too tired." I put him in one of the chairs and covered him up.
We all had a fun time.
Friday, December 4, 2009
my Gingerbread man
This morning, before school, the boys had a little time to play. They each had a toy gun (yes, my boys play with guns. We do make it clear that they are NOT for shooting people. I figured, if they didn't have guns, they would make something else be a gun) and Adam was running around singing, "Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man." Then I heard "pow wow wow."
I heard all this and thought, I don't think I would want to catch you! I think I would run the other way!
I heard all this and thought, I don't think I would want to catch you! I think I would run the other way!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Adam has been growing in so many ways lately. He is now allowing me kiss him (without immediately "washing" it off) He has become brave enough to try some new foods, some he actually enjoys. And most recently he has just grown. I measured him this morning and he was 44 1/2"-which means he grew 1/2" from September to today. I was excited to see this 1/2"!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I love this picture!
Over the summer, my sister in law and I took the boys to a photography studio to have their pictures taken. We each had some done of just our own boys. This is the one I got of our boys. We have it hanging in the hall. Every time I walk by and see it, I smile. I love this picture!
I maybe should have taken it out the frame and scanned it in, but this gives a pretty good idea.
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