Here is a picture of his latest passion:
A few weeks ago, Mike stopped at a yard sale and found some camo glove. This past weekend Austin found a camo hat. One day, not long after all this, I found him going through of box of snow clothes. I asked him what on earth he was doing, he had remembered that a year or so ago Mamaw had made him a camo scarf. How perfect was that?! Then he remembered that a few weeks ago my sister said that she had passed a camo coat to us. He asked me if he I could find it for him. My first thought was, "what box did I put that in?" I told him one day soon, I would go through all the boxes and try to find it. Then I had a better idea, I would go to the thrift store.
After work today I stopped in to see if I could find anything. I got to the first rack of boy clothes and found a camo t-shirt. Then I decided to try my luck and see if I could find some pants. Sure enough!! They were big, but this was for play, and he could use a belt. I didn't even know how much this would come out to be. When I got to the register it came to $1.58!!
Austin was one excited boy when he saw my finds for him!
Austin seems to think that he wants to be in the Army or hunt (I would be interested to know who he thinks will take him hunting!). If this passion is like his others, it may be history in a year or so....
As I remember, that passion had started already when I took Austin shopping in the end of April. He was very interested in anything camo!! I have to admit - your boys look very good in camo :)