Mike came home from work today and said they were having a family fun event at one of the local Universities. He heard this from one of his students at school, so we were not sure of the validity of it.
As we got close we could see there were some fun things to do. The student must have been right. So, we went to check it out!

They had an obstacle course. The boys really enjoyed this. The went through twice, and would have more, but the line got to be too long!

They were able to race each other through! This was a lot of fun!

Then the boys went off for a little
pre-dinner snack. What else would you have for
appetizers than snow-comes and cotton candy?

While they ate, they watched people play a game. Then they deiced to play. The game was to throw darts at balloons that had paint in them.

Both boys were able to play, but neither popped a balloon.

They even had horse and carriage rides. The boys and I did this, Mike took pictures. The horses names were Sonny and Cher.

Mike got a picture of us in the carriage.

Austin was making me laugh because he would point out all the things that were not like the "olden days." Our driver was drinking a Coke Zero, and Austin was quick to point out, they did not have Coke Zero in the olden days. I'm sure they did not have signs reminding people to stay in their seats either!
They had face painting. Mike did this for Adam...

...Austin made himself into Bumble Bee (the transformer). He painted his arm yellow. He had it washed off before I got a picture of it.
It was a fun time!
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