Yesterday, I was getting things lined up for this morning, I was picking out clothes for the boys to wear to school, and clothes that I would wear to work. I decided that since it was going to be a warm day, I would wear open toe shoes. This meant that it was the time of year that I needed to paint my toenails, my plan was to do this as soon as the boys were in bed. I was in the bathroom, trying to decide on a color, when Adam walked in and asked what I was doing. He was intrigued!
Shortly after this Mike was in Adam's room praying with him. What we often do, is have the boys say what they want to pray about and let them pray, then we follow up with a prayer as well. When I am not in with the boys, I am always curious what they prayed about-to know what is on their mind. I asked Mike what Adam prayed about and he confessed he was a little confused, "Adam Thanked God for the opportunity to paint toes?" Well, there went my toes getting painted last night! If it means that much to him, I will wait. I went to work with unpainted toes.
But, today after supper, I went outside with the boys and let each of them paint one foot.
Just for my memory years down the road. (I am not good about keeping growth charts)
Austin today was 4 ft 1/2 in. -Only 9 inches to go until we can get rid of the booster!! We just got a new scale and he weighed in at 60 lbs this evening.
Adam was measured in February and I am sure that I did not record it, but he has not grown, he is at 45 1/2" and he weighed in at 41lbs. Mike used to always tell me that boys don't really ever go back and look at this information. I told him that I was not doing it for the boys. I was doing it for their wives, when THEY wanted to know the information. :)
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