With our boys we have many types of moments. We have happy, sad, joyous, and celebratory moments. Moments that make me proud, and some that, well....we won't talk about those. The purpse of this blog is to record some the these "Moments With My Boys."
Thursday, July 28, 2011
House Saga
However, I do love to look at homes. I love to look on the internet and see what local houses are for sale. I did not think that we were at a place to buy right now, but I enjoyed looking to see what was out there, and dreaming about one day...
Recently, I was going through a neighborhood, and I saw a house for sale. I knew this house. I used to babysit the children that grew up in that house. I decided for "old times sake" I would go home and look it up.
I went home and looked it up immediately. The price was out of my "price range" (especially since we were not looking). I found it fun to watch, and look, but I was not serious.
I did find it hard at times to be in our "starter home." We had run out of space! There was one day last week that I needed to get something out of Adam's closet. I pulled one thing, and an avalanche came tumbling down on me. I sat there in this huge mess, and cried! (We needed a larger home!)
I don't exactly remember how this happened, but on Saturday Mike and I looked at the house on line. I was very excited about the possibility of having a bigger home. Mike wondered about this or that (you can't tell everything from pictures). Mike and I decided to schedule a showing for Sunday afternoon. As we talked more on Saturday evening Mike got more excited, I gained more concerns. We decided that we would go through with the showing for practice (for when we were ready to actually buy). When we were on our way, Mike quoted a number and said, "that is the top number I will offer for this house." However, we were not going to buy so there was no worry there.
We didn't want to make the boys excited about this since we were sure we were not going to buy this house. We told my parents that we wanted to go on a date since had a gift card. Mom said she would pick the boys up after work, so we had time to go eat, then went to the showing.
Once in the house, we both fell in love with this house!! As we talked, we were told that the price was coming down very close to what we said our offer would be. We left and said, we need to buy this house.
We went to get the boys and disclosed to Mom and Dad what we had done. We wanted their opinion on this property. Soon I was on the phone asking if we could see the house again. We were told to "come on over."
We took the boys and they loved the house as well! They chose their rooms. They were very excited.
Monday I went to the bank to see what our numbers looked like. I gave them the worst possible situation. They worked the numbers and we thought this is not the best situation, but we can make it work.
Tuesday, the realtor came over to tell us what our house was worth. Later that day, we were given the amount. I knew of someone who was looking for a house to buy in that price range. I called her and told her what I knew. She was very excited, so was her husband.
I couldn't believe how things were going, things seemed so perfect. Almost unbelievable, too perfect! I just kept praying that whatever happened that it would be the Lord's will, not mine.
We invited the people I knew over to see the house. They seemed to think that it was perfect! They went home and contacted their realtor.
Wednesday, we went to the Real Estate office and put a contract on the house we wanted. However, we made it contingent on the sale of our home.
Thursday, our realtor came over to take pictures for the listing of our current home. He put a key box out for showings, and put a sign in the yard. He left our home by 9 am.
Around 11 we got a call that an offer had been made. We went back and forth a few times. By 3 pm we had come to an agreement. Mike and I were soon at the office again to sign papers for the contract on our house.
The house that we are buying (if all goes well) is only about 1 mile from our home. It is in the same school district, however the home is a little more than double the size of our home now.
Mike and I feel that this truly must be God's will. It is truly amazing how the numbers lined up. The buyer was right there. Their numbers lined up. So far, everything has gone so smoothly!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Old Radio
This little radio worked well for many years, but then I upgraded to another radio. (one that has a CD player!) The knobs were starting to come off and the door to the tape player was broken.
I decided it was time to get rid of the radio. Mike had one more thing to do with the radio before we got rid of it. He let the boys...
I'm glad that Mike sees fun activities in things that I claim as junk!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
8 Years
~It had been a very normal, hot July day!
~We had hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for supper. (We had that frequently at the end of my pregnancy. I was too tired to think of any other meal!)
~My friend, who was going to be in the delivery room with my, called me on her way home from work. I told her, "Only 3 contractions all day. Not today!"
~We went to Mamaw and Papaw's. I began to get frustrated at the "Braxton Hicks" I was having.
~Went to Wal-Mart, on the way to the car, I had to stop and grab a post during one of my "Braxton Hicks."
~About an hour and a half later I decided since these silly "Braxton Hicks" were coming 2 minutes apart, maybe I should get them checked out.
~I could not contact anyone. My friend was not answering her phone, Mom was in the garage and could not hear their phone, the mid-wives office did not transfer their phones. We finally got ahold of Mom, took Austin to the hospital with us and she met us there. I finally got ahold of my friend, all I had to say was, "GET HERE NOW!" (she didn't want to miss it, but I was already at 9cm!)
~My mid-wife was at a movie, when they finally paged her STAT! she came--with only about 20 minutes to spare.
~Adam joined our family only 50 minutes after going to the hospital.
Not to be outdone, Adam wanted to make his own birthday cake, just like Austin. It has been really hot here, so we decided to do a NO bake cake.
Enrichment Week
They were able to create different space ships out of boxes, tubes, etc. Using their imaginations and recyclables. This is the ship that Adam helped with.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Quick Trip to Erie
We got there about 9 pm on Thursday. Friday, while Chris (Mike's brother) was at work, we had the boys picture taken for a Christmas gift for Grandma (and Grandpa), went to the pool and relaxed a bit at the house.
Saturday, we packed up and went to the Lake. The boys had a great time.
Adam loved it! he climbed to the top, so I had to get a picture.
This is Austin and Seth.
They rode the swings--Adam and Seth, getting buckled in.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dressing For Church
I took this picture the other Sunday. It tickled me! Austin is wearing a long sleeve shirt-it was suppose to be 90 that day--but he needed to be handsome. His shirt is not tucked in, his vest is too small. In order for his pants to look like they fit he wears them entirely too low on his hips--Sorry, Austin, this suit is going in the box for Adam to wear in fall!! You have grown out of it!! Then with this handsome suit he wears---sneakers! Not what I would put with a suit, but I'm not a 10 year old boys either.
Adam has decided he wants to wear handsome clothes as well. But, for him that means a vest. He does not fix his collar, and does not tuck in his shirt either. Oh, well!
I guess they look fine for 2 little boys going to church. At least they are showing an opinion in what they wear to church. :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
July 11
Austin invited Bryse and Adam invited Joshua. Both boys go to our church, but Adam and Joshua were in class together at school last year.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Adam: 50 lbs
48 inches
Austin: 71 lbs
50 1/2 inches
The Dr. was talking to Adam (since he tends to be my "picker" eater. He said, "You have to eat so that you can grow taller than your brother, are you going to let him get ahead of you?" I had to laugh because it seems that the boys are so competitive anyhow, now he is making growth a competitive "sport." I guess that is okay, maybe it will help Adam to eat better :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Austin's Camp
One of the first parts was meeting Grandpa Ed.He was the fireside speaker. He told stories of animals and related them to Bible stories. It seemed like the kids were really able to relate to him.
Austin was in Hickory cabin. After I dropped him off, I called my sister, who had worked at camp for several years. When she heard this, she said, "Oh, he is in the heat box." Then I realized there really is no shade at that cabin. I bet it did get hot. However, Austin did not complain. I don't think they were in the cabin that much during the day anyhow. Here is Austin with his counselors, Ben and Barrett.
On the way to the car Mike and the boys found this cool caterpillar. They picked up the rock he was on and put it in the car. Awesome pet, right? Well, we ended up stopping at my parents house so we gently put him my one of their bushes. We wish him the best :) (Sorry, Mom, I know you hate caterpillars. We had to give him a chance to get away.)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Catching Up
Last Monday, we started to have our hardwood floors done. We moved in with my parents for a week, while the work was being done. Monday, the 20th, was also Austin's 10th birthday! We have a tradition that on their birthday's the boys can choose what to eat for a meal. Austin wanted breakfast for lunch. So I made scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit for lunch (I have to say, it was a good choice!)
Mike took the boys to the mall and let them do....
I mentioned in a prior post that Austin made his own birthday cake this year. It was chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, with sprinkles and chocolate chips. Sounds like something a 10 year old would like, right?
Those Tiny Things
I got kind of tickled because every time he said microscopic it came out microSPOTic. So, I would break the word down into syllables micro-scop-ic. He would say micro-SPOT-ic. Then he said, "I just can't get that to come out right."
I know he does not say it correctly, but I think it's cute!