Adam went to an end of the year party at his teacher's house. They had a fun sprinkler out at their house for the children to play in. I decided that if I could find a sprinkler like that, I would buy one for the boys to play in this summer. I found it this evening.

It wasn't really hot today, but the boys had a fun time playing in the sprinkler for a short time. They really enjoyed it, and I think it will be g
reat for when it does get really hot!
A couple of weeks ago my sister had a yard sale at her house. I was selling just a couple of things. When her boys saw one of the items we were selling, they said they wanted it. It worked out well because she had one item that I had my eye on.
Several years ago, for Christmas, Carol had bought her boys a table that had 4
interchangeable tops. It has ping-pong, pool, air hockey, and
foosball. I thought what fun! One day we should get something like that for our basement. Well, as it turned out that yard sale day we did. We did a trade, our item, for this table.

It worked out great because since we have been working on the floors, there have been times that we needed the boys to play downstairs--out of the way. This kept them entertained nicely. Every now and then, they would come upstairs and ask Mike to change the table top.
What a wonderful trade!
That is my favorite part of yard sales...the trades!