When we got home from school Adam seemed a bit listless. He even declined when I asked if he wanted to go to the pool. After some time he told me his tummy hurt. I thought, "Well, of course, you have probably eaten more junk in parties today. It's no wonder!" A little while later Austin came to me and told me that Adam had gotten sick.
I went to see what was going on. He had thrown up---on the couch, my shoe, and the carpet.
In the past I would have started working to clean up the carpet right away. Not today! We have the floor man coming the week of June 20 to do our hardwood floors. Mike got a knife and cut the carpet away.
Then we decided to see what it looked like underneath. It really is a shame that this beautiful wood was covered by that nasty carpet all those years!
This sounds familiar...actually it sounds much like how all of our home projects start :) Maybe it is in the Kiser gene somewhere.