This past weekend was our church
camp out weekend. Austin had
initially thought of going to a one day camp in town. So, the rest of us decided that we would just go for Saturday. However, Friday night Austin said, "I really want to go with you all." I made some quick calls and we thought, "okay we are going as a family, but still for one day."
Saturday morning we got to the camp ground. I was barely out of the vehicle before the boys were asking for the containers I brought to catch critter in the creek. And the boys were off. Mike and I sat and had a lovely morning talking with people in our Sunday School class. The boys would come and show us there latest find (crayfish, tad poles, etc.)
We would see them come and get their bikes and they might yell in passing where they were headed. (I love this age where you really don't need to worry about the boys--we would go look for them if we had not heard from them in an hour or so, but they were always having fun and totally safe.)
After lunch and HUGE storm came in. The camp director rang bell and we all headed for the tabernacle. We barely made it before the storm came. The camp director came and told us he heard major storm, hail, and winds up to 60 mph. I didn't see the hail, but I can believe the rest!
After that passed, the boys were ready to head to the pool!

Adam is the small figure ahead of Mike. :) They got to the pool around 2 and we stayed there until a little before 5. Supper was at 5, so we wanted to have time to dry off a bit, and get ready. By 5:45 Austin was asking when the pool would open again. I don't know how many times I had to tell him, "Sorry, it is not 7 yet."

The boys were there waiting when the pool did open! Austin was most often at the diving board. He taught himself how to dive, and do flips off the board. Adam stayed near the shallow end. I did have to remind him a few times that he needed to be more shallow. I knew they would both be very tired after all the swimming they did!

church had planned a luau by the pool for Saturday evening--complete with grass skirts and leis! They were going to play a movie outdoors and have
sno-cones once it started to get dark. We were ready to leave before this all started. However, we owned the movie that they were going to show. We told the boys that we would watch the movie on Sunday (since there was no church service at the church building), and we would go to 7-11 and get
slurpees instead of the

They thought that sounded fair. We had a great weekend at the campground, and at home!