It started out by Trick or Treating at the downtown businesses. They got to dress in their costumes and get some candy. They even got to see Austin's teacher while they were out.
Then Daddy took them to a movie. While they were gone I was able to rake some leaf piles together.
They had a story read by a gentleman at our church. Austin and Mike then cleaned and carved the pumpkin as the story was being read. I forget what the story was, but it went with the activities of the pumpkin.
There were also miniature pony rides. This pony was no higher than mid-thigh on me. They attached a cart and gave rides to the children.
Last Sunday, we went to a different church than usual. Austin found out that there was going to be a puppet show today. So he definitely wanted to go back! Today, we went to the same church and Adam and Austin were able to participate in the puppet show. They were very excited and did a good job for the little bit that they were able to practice.
Now, we are ready for a quiet Sunday afternoon.