Monday, July 2, 2012

Adam & Caamon

I did a post recently about Adam going to camp.  He became very fond of his counselors.  He bonded particularly well with Caamon.  I'm not sure how this bond formed, I wasn't there to see it form, but I could see it Friday when I picked Adam up.  I do know that he enjoyed his other counselor as well.  When we took Austin to camp on Sunday, Adam was sure to run up to each counselor and give them a hug--each time we passed them.  (Can I just note here that Adam is not my huggy child.  He will give me a hug if I ask for one, but he never runs up and hugs me for absolutely no reason!  That just goes to show how special these guys are to him.)

The Friday that I picked Adam up I was able to watch a picture slide show of things the campers did during the week.  One picture came up and I thought, "I need a copy of that picture."  They ran the pictures through again, and I tried to take a picture of the picture on the slide show--that did not work at all!!  I asked the camp director if they would be willing to share this picture.  He was very willing.  I know the camp secretary has a lot on her plate, but she finally found the picture for me. 

Adam and Caamon

I am so glad to have this picture as a keepsake for Adam.  I know that Caamon has made a wonderful impression on him.  I'm sure every time he thinks about his first year of camp, he will remember Caamon.


  1. Adam is really not a huggy kid. When I ask for a hug its a limp dishrag hug. Also, seeing he is a picky eater when I asked what he ate at camp, he replied 'food'. But he sure didn't starve. He is growing up. Mamaw
