...for Adam to eat corn on the cob this summer.
He lost/pulled another tooth this morning. I asked if the one tooth on top is loose. Adam said, "sort of." That is all he needs is to loose that one last tooth!
I joked this afternoon that I may have to get my baby food grinder out again in order to feed him. I really don't think I have ever seen so many holes in one mouth!
With our boys we have many types of moments. We have happy, sad, joyous, and celebratory moments. Moments that make me proud, and some that, well....we won't talk about those. The purpse of this blog is to record some the these "Moments With My Boys."
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Adam turns 9 today!
I told Adam this morning that it was his special day, so he could tell me what he wanted to have for supper. His menu consisted of Ravioli with white sauce, peaches that are diced and sweetened, and cake (we did make a compromise and added a vegetable).
Adam took a piece of paper and made the menu, then continued to write. When he showed me the paper, he had a drawing on it. I asked what that drawing was, he replied "it's a blueprint of the cake" Talk about overwhelming. I had to follow a blueprint for this 9 year old's birthday cake!
Adam wanted to do most of the work himself.
He diced the peaches, and made the cake
The cake split, but was still delicious. The boys decided it should be called the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), the other option was chocolate explosion. Either name makes me smile :)
Then I got a fun picture of Adam in the for that Mike built.
It's funny to think that right now it is 5:55pm. 9 years ago at this time I had NO idea Adam would join our family on 7/25!
Adam, you are a fun, sweet boy. You are always thinking and coming up with new ideas. You ask really thought provoking questions and stretch me (in good ways). I am so glad that you are in our family and feel blessed that I get to be your mother!
I told Adam this morning that it was his special day, so he could tell me what he wanted to have for supper. His menu consisted of Ravioli with white sauce, peaches that are diced and sweetened, and cake (we did make a compromise and added a vegetable).
Adam took a piece of paper and made the menu, then continued to write. When he showed me the paper, he had a drawing on it. I asked what that drawing was, he replied "it's a blueprint of the cake" Talk about overwhelming. I had to follow a blueprint for this 9 year old's birthday cake!
Adam wanted to do most of the work himself.
He diced the peaches, and made the cake
The cake split, but was still delicious. The boys decided it should be called the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), the other option was chocolate explosion. Either name makes me smile :)
Then I got a fun picture of Adam in the for that Mike built.
It's funny to think that right now it is 5:55pm. 9 years ago at this time I had NO idea Adam would join our family on 7/25!
Adam, you are a fun, sweet boy. You are always thinking and coming up with new ideas. You ask really thought provoking questions and stretch me (in good ways). I am so glad that you are in our family and feel blessed that I get to be your mother!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Enrichment Week
One week out of the summer, our city school system offers an enrichment week to the children. These are fun classes that cover a wide range of interests. This year Austin took Weird Science and Adam took Rockets.
Austin's week consisted of several interesting experiments and fun projects. On Monday they put a raw egg and a hard boiled egg in vinegar to see what would happen (they left these eggs in the vinegar all week!) One day they went to the EMU Science Museum, they "dissected" a rock, they "played" with dry ice. Some of their activities didn't work out. For example: the day they were suppose to play with the sun, it was cloudy and rainy. I'm sure they had some back up activities. Overall, they had a fun week and learned a lot through this play. When they checked the eggs on Friday, Austin said the hard boiled egg had morphed and the raw egg was rotten. Can't wait to try this with Adam :)
Austin did not know any of the other children in his class, but quickly became friends with Aaron. This boy will be going to the same school as Austin next year. It's nice that Austin already has a new friend going into the new school.
Adam signed up for enrichment, then his best friend at school decided to sign up as well. They both got into the same class. They were very excited about being together all week again.
Some of the things they did in rockets consisted of: making rockets out of film canisters. They put just a little water in, and about 1/4 of an alka seltzer tablet and let it sit. They, also, made air rockets--they did something with balloons that day, not sure how that fit in. They had PVC piping and an empty 2 liter bottle on the one end. Put the rocket on and STOMP! One day they made water rockets. They made these out of 1 liter bottles, put parachutes on, they had everything! They would pump up the water pressure and pull and string and it would fly! They made rockets that used solid fuel they used type A (honestly I don't know what all that means, but that is what the teacher told me.) I did not get to see this go, because it was raining, but apparently it was pretty great! On the first day of class the teacher taught them about the different parts of rockets and why they use certain things. He went over why the tip is pointed and not rounded, how the fins help the rocket have control, etc. I was not in the class, but I could just imagine Adam totally into this, he loves knowing the why behind the questions!
I forgot to take my camera the last day of enrichment. I couldn't believe that I didn't have it! But, at least I have a few memories recorded for the boys to remember this wonderful week.
Austin's week consisted of several interesting experiments and fun projects. On Monday they put a raw egg and a hard boiled egg in vinegar to see what would happen (they left these eggs in the vinegar all week!) One day they went to the EMU Science Museum, they "dissected" a rock, they "played" with dry ice. Some of their activities didn't work out. For example: the day they were suppose to play with the sun, it was cloudy and rainy. I'm sure they had some back up activities. Overall, they had a fun week and learned a lot through this play. When they checked the eggs on Friday, Austin said the hard boiled egg had morphed and the raw egg was rotten. Can't wait to try this with Adam :)
Austin did not know any of the other children in his class, but quickly became friends with Aaron. This boy will be going to the same school as Austin next year. It's nice that Austin already has a new friend going into the new school.
Adam signed up for enrichment, then his best friend at school decided to sign up as well. They both got into the same class. They were very excited about being together all week again.
Some of the things they did in rockets consisted of: making rockets out of film canisters. They put just a little water in, and about 1/4 of an alka seltzer tablet and let it sit. They, also, made air rockets--they did something with balloons that day, not sure how that fit in. They had PVC piping and an empty 2 liter bottle on the one end. Put the rocket on and STOMP! One day they made water rockets. They made these out of 1 liter bottles, put parachutes on, they had everything! They would pump up the water pressure and pull and string and it would fly! They made rockets that used solid fuel they used type A (honestly I don't know what all that means, but that is what the teacher told me.) I did not get to see this go, because it was raining, but apparently it was pretty great! On the first day of class the teacher taught them about the different parts of rockets and why they use certain things. He went over why the tip is pointed and not rounded, how the fins help the rocket have control, etc. I was not in the class, but I could just imagine Adam totally into this, he loves knowing the why behind the questions!
I forgot to take my camera the last day of enrichment. I couldn't believe that I didn't have it! But, at least I have a few memories recorded for the boys to remember this wonderful week.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
When children are entrusted to our family for care for an evening, you never know what kinds of activities they may encounter. There is the box of toys that we pull out, we have plenty of books to look at, we have all the play things outside, and the boys are very creative when all else fails. For example, today when we were watching Grace and Glen, Austin decided to play kangaroo. Of course, he needed a Joey, or I guess in this case...
a Glen. He did not seem to mind this play, but just to reassure Lana, Glen did not play "Joey" very long.
With this king of idea, I don't think he is quite ready to do child care on his own yet! :)
***Just a side note that these shorts are VERY big on Austin (about 2 sizes too big) I'm not sure how this came about, but leave it to my boys to come up with something like this---Oh, and there was no Hopping to be had while Joey (uh, Glen) was in the pouch!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Last night, it was getting to be time for Austin to head to bed. I gave him a warning that he would need to head that way soon. He was working really hard on something. I gave him a little extra time. When he finished what he was working on he showed it to me. He had made a message for Mike to decode. Mike worked on it last night and took the same decoder and had a message for Austin when he woke up this morning.

I was really impressed that Austin came up with creative (yet secret) way to communicate with Mike.
I did have to think that I very much doubt that either message to "be sure to drink your Ovaltine" like in the Christmas Story. :)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
One Last Good-bye
Friday we were going to pick up Austin from camp. I gave Adam the choice to come with me, or to stay at home with Mike. Mike had a couple of things do to, but it would be much cooler at home than at camp--it was his choice. It really did not take him long to decide that he was definitely coming with me.
We got there and we went to the picnic deck, where the program was going to be held. Adam was off and running before I knew what was going on. He had found Caamon! He ran over and gave him a BIG hug. Then it seemed that every time Caamon (or Jackson for that matter)went by Adam would wrap his arms around him. I explained to Adam that they have kids this week and they need to watch those kids and take care of them, just like they took care of him.
After the program we were to go to the cabin to collect our child's things. I was talking to Austin's counselors and Adam kept tapping me. When I had a break in the conversation I asked Adam what he needed. He pointed to the cabin next door. Caamon was in that cabin. I told him that before we left he could go say good-bye--one last time. He was very nervous that Caamon would leave before he got over there to talk to him. I told Adam, "Caamon needed to take care of the 8 or so children that were in his cabin. He would be there for a while yet. Please don't worry."
The second I gave him the "okay" he was over there by Caamon. He gave him a hug, and Caamon lifted him into his lap. I told Caamon that I'm sure he does not realize the impression he has made on this little boy. I told him that Adam is not my "huggy" child--I have to ask for hugs, and often they are "limp dishrag" hugs. Caamon's eyes got big and his mouth dropped open. He could not believe that was the same little boy that hugged him whenever he passed by. At 18, I wonder if Caamon can even comprehend the impact he is making on children. Thankfully, it is a positive impact!
While Adam was in Caamon's lap, I had to get one last picture.
How cute is that?
When we were leaving, Adam wanted to go back and ask Caamon if he would be doing 1/2 week camp or full week camp next year. (I'm sure he was trying to make his plans accordingly.) I assured Adam that counselors that are there for a summer, usually do both.
I can honestly say, I have never seen Adam so drawn to someone. I'm glad that he was drawn to someone like Caamon!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Austin's Week At Camp
This past week Austin was at camp. This was the first year that he went for a full week. To be totally honest, this was the first time he ever spent a full week away from me.
The week was in the 90's for the most part. It was HOT and they do not have air conditioning at camp. I thought of them often, but throughout the week I would read on the computer what they were doing and found that they had extra pool time, and found different ways to cool off.
One comment that Austin made that I thought was cute, and wanted to make sure to remember, he said, "lunch was my least favorite meal." I thought that was funny, because they always have good food at camp. So, I asked, "why?" He told me, "I like making the meals over the fire, for lunch the kitchen staff makes it and serves it to you." I found that to be an interesting way of looking at the meals that they had. (When I was a camper I was so hungry by lunch, I was just glad to have a plate of food to eat! Austin on the other hand thought of the preparation style.)
The week was in the 90's for the most part. It was HOT and they do not have air conditioning at camp. I thought of them often, but throughout the week I would read on the computer what they were doing and found that they had extra pool time, and found different ways to cool off.
One comment that Austin made that I thought was cute, and wanted to make sure to remember, he said, "lunch was my least favorite meal." I thought that was funny, because they always have good food at camp. So, I asked, "why?" He told me, "I like making the meals over the fire, for lunch the kitchen staff makes it and serves it to you." I found that to be an interesting way of looking at the meals that they had. (When I was a camper I was so hungry by lunch, I was just glad to have a plate of food to eat! Austin on the other hand thought of the preparation style.)
Austin was blessed to have 2 wonderful counselors. Ben, he had last year as one of his counselors. Benson was new to camp this year, but he seemed great as well. From what they told me when I picked him up, I could tell that they were able to see Austin's wonderful personality, and they fully enjoyed this wonderful young man of mine.
I got a picture of Austin and who was left in his cabin. Some of his other cabin mates had already left. The friend that Austin went with had to leaver Thursday night, so Bryse is not in the picture. However, we were able to capture some of his NEW friends.
And, of course, one picture of just Austin and his counselors. Ben is on the left, Benson is on the right. Thanks to these guys for the wonderful week Austin had. We appreciate you taking over the parenting role and keeping him safe, yet playing the friend role and having fun with him.
He is looking forward to next year already!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Adam & Caamon
I did a post recently about Adam going to camp. He became very fond of his counselors. He bonded particularly well with Caamon. I'm not sure how this bond formed, I wasn't there to see it form, but I could see it Friday when I picked Adam up. I do know that he enjoyed his other counselor as well. When we took Austin to camp on Sunday, Adam was sure to run up to each counselor and give them a hug--each time we passed them. (Can I just note here that Adam is not my huggy child. He will give me a hug if I ask for one, but he never runs up and hugs me for absolutely no reason! That just goes to show how special these guys are to him.)
The Friday that I picked Adam up I was able to watch a picture slide show of things the campers did during the week. One picture came up and I thought, "I need a copy of that picture." They ran the pictures through again, and I tried to take a picture of the picture on the slide show--that did not work at all!! I asked the camp director if they would be willing to share this picture. He was very willing. I know the camp secretary has a lot on her plate, but she finally found the picture for me.
Adam and Caamon
I am so glad to have this picture as a keepsake for Adam. I know that Caamon has made a wonderful impression on him. I'm sure every time he thinks about his first year of camp, he will remember Caamon.
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