Here are some of Adam's most recent thoughts and actions that left me saying, "Oh, Adam!"
The other day, Adam was outside, I opened the door to tell him something (or ask him something. I really don't remember) He was sitting on some bricks that make support pillars for the carport. I right away asked, "Adam what are you doing? He replied, "Spitting on ants."
Now, 1. Can you imagine being the poor ant that is going along, and all of the sudden someone spits on you? YUCK! and 2. I can honestly say that when I was a child (and I'll even add as an adult) that particular activity NEVER crossed my mind!
A few nights ago, I tucked the boys in bed and went down the hall. When I came back, Adam called me into his room. I figured he wanted one last hug or kiss. When I got there he told me, "I wonder who I'm going to marry." I sighed, and said, "Adam be friends with everyone. One day you will meet a really nice girl and you will know that she is the one for you to marry. But, right now just have friends."
Again, I can honestly say, at that age I'm pretty sure I thought about my wedding. However, I'm pretty sure that I did not worry about WHO I would marry. Even if I had thought about who, I can assure you that I would have never come up with a guy from Eastern PA!
Adam was talking with Austin and said, "Guess what?"
So, Austin replied, "What?"
Adam said, "No, guess what"
Austin, again, said, "what?"
Adam became upset and came to me. He really wanted to Austin to guess what he was going to say. A conversation like that could go on for some time. The
possibilities really are endless! I told him that when people don't know they just say "what," but he really did not like that answer!