Friday, October 4, 2013

9th tooth

I am one of those sentimental moms that saves her kids baby teeth and writes the story as to how each tooth is lost.  Austin lost a tooth this week, however this time my records will be a little different.

Austin has had a loose tooth for some time.  I figured when it was ready to come out, it would.  Early this week he commented that it was getting really loose.  Okay, that is good.

Wednesday he came home from school and said, "I lost my tooth today."  First, I look at the new hole in his mouth. Then I ask, "where is your tooth?"

His reply was, "Well, I was walking through the soccer field with some friends and it came out so I spit it on the ground."

My first thought was, "well, I don't have that one for his baby book."  Then I thought, I can only imagine "some young mother out their with her children one lovely day.  Her you son (in my mind it was a son) found this intriguing rock.  He brings it to her and she looks at it, and realizes that it is no rock---it is none other than my sons tooth."

Oh well, there are worse things in the world than not having a baby tooth.  The story I imagine might make up for it.  :)

**The following was added Saturday morning**

My mother left a comment last night asking if the tooth fairy found the tooth out in the field?

Well, that was another funny part of the story that I forgot to add.

We do not do Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny at our house.  However, we do the tooth fairy.  Both of the boys know how it works, but it is just a fun little something to kind of celebrate a lost tooth.  Years ago Austin started writing notes to the tooth fairy when he would loose a tooth.  The tooth fairy is kind enough to write back each time  :)  This time his note asked she could give him $100 for his tooth.  She gently told him he would get $1 and need to loose 99 more teeth to make 99 more dollars.  (She is so wise!)

And interesting thing I found out last night... I looked back in Austins book where I hand write this information in (I am truly not sure why I do it both ways, but I do!  Austin lost his 8th tooth on 9/5/11.  That was over 2 years ago!  My boys were always late teethers, and the Dentist always comments that it is a good thing to loose teeth late.  It just really surprised me that is was that long in between losing teeth.

1 comment:

  1. Will the tooth fairy find it out there? Mamaw
