Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Adam is my child that always wants everything to be EXACTLY fair. 

The other day, he asked me to cut something in half so he could share it with Austin.  I eyed it, and cut it.  He asked me how I knew it was exactly in half.  I said, "it is very close."  I knew what he wanted me to do, he wanted me to get a ruler and measure it to be SURE that it was the exact same amount for both halves.  I was not about to do that, so I explained to Adam that he and Austin are two different people.  With that comes different experiences, and opportunities.  Not everything in life will be exactly the same, but I love both of my boys and I will do my best to keep things as fair as I can.  Then I said, "Adam, how do you know that Austin has not breathed more air than you"  (thinking that since Austin is 2 years older, it is pretty likely)

Adam looked and me and said, "Mom, you can't measure THAT!"

I guess this fairness thing only applies to material things...

1 comment:

  1. Amy, remember that being fair is not giving the same to everyone. Being fair is giving each what they need (and so far Austin has needed more air :)
