The other night, they had a STEM Night. You might be asking, "What is STEM?" Well, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
They had the children go into their grade groups, and they started with their projects.
Austin was to build a boat. They had an assortment of supplies to build with. They were to have the boat float down a trough (sort of) in a certain amount of time. Austin built one. Then found out it was too long. So, he had to cut it in half. Then when he had it go down the trough it was about 39 seconds. He kept working, and working on it until he got his time to 16 seconds. Mike was with Austin's group, but he told me that Austin was the only one that worked on his own. All the other students had their parents or sibling do the work. I was so proud of him!
Adam had to build a marble track. It had to have 6 direction changes, one tunnel, and one sound effect. Adam loved working on this. I only had to give a few suggestions. At one point, a lady came to see what he was doing. She asked Adam his name, he answered, then started talking about the track again. She asked his last name, he answered and started talking about the track again. Then she asked who his teacher was, I could tell he really did not want to talk to her, but he did answer her, then started talking about the track again. He had so much fun, and I was really proud of what he was able to create.
I am so glad we attended this fun evening. I am even more glad that these opportunities are taught in our schools.
sounds like a great night. I think that you and Mike might have had as much fun as the boys! I think that it is wonderful that the local school systems provide events like these.