We had a nice break from school. We actually got 2 extra days, due to snow. Over the break Austin wanted to learn how to crochet. I was more than happy and eager to teach him.

He made 2 bookmarks and gave them to Grandma and Aunt Cheri for Christmas. He knew that they were both avid readers.
Grandpa is famous for getting the grandsons some sort of interesting flashlight each year. This year he said, "no
flashlights." Only because he got them...


The boys went in a dark hallway and turned their lights on. But they not only shone in white. The also went...


Austin liked to put it over one eye. I'm not sure if he was trying to be a cyclops, a robot, a combination of the two, or something totally different. He had fun with it whatever he was pretending.
We were excited to snow at Grandma and Grandpa's. However, we did not pack our snow gear. That did not stop the boys. Especially Austin.

He was very happy to go a shovel. As he is doing here, in the middle of their back yard. He had a great time!
We had a wonderful Christmas break from school and work. However, we are finding that it is nice to be back on our regular schedule.
Headlights are such a great idea! I need to remember them for my nephew's birthdays.