Thursday, March 14, 2013

Following His Daddy's Footsteps

There are only a few things that I can say I really dislike doing.
    1. I do not like to empty the clean silverware rack from the dishwasher.
    2. I do not like to fold socks.
    3. I do not like to crawl into a cold bed on a winter night!

The first 2 jobs I delegate out to other family members.  The last "dislike" is more of a problem.

I'm not exactly sure when, but at some point Mike started to lay on my side of the bed while I was getting ready.  That way when I was ready for bed I crawled in to an already warm spot.  (sweet, huh?)  We have done this for several years already.  Now, we are to the point where I will tell him, "I'm going to get ready for bed, gonna warm my spot?"  And he willingly does.

Last night, Mike was out running a few errands, I was totally exhausted, I had to go to bed.  Austin was headed that way too.  I had him tucked in and headed to our room.  I was in the bathroom when I heard a little tap on the door.  I opened it, there was Austin.  He said, "Since Daddy is not home, would you like me to warm your spot?"

"YES!!"  I was so impressed that he thought of that on his own.

When I went to bed Austin said, "It's not as warm as Daddy would have it."  He was right, but that fact that he wanted me to have a warm bed, made up for anything else!!

His wife can thank me one day when she is able to crawl into a nice warm spot on a cold winter night.

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