Friday, September 30, 2011

The Mural Room

When I was pregnant with Austin, Mike decided he wanted to know if the baby was a boy or girl. He wanted to paint a special room for the baby. We found out that Austin was going to be a boy. It didn't take long for Mike to start sketching out his ideas.

Mike worked really hard on this room. I remember being on complete bed rest in May and as I would be heading towards the bathroom, I would peek in to see how the progress was coming. I was always pleased.

Recently, Adam had started to ask if he could have the room painted. I could not bring myself to paint over the hard work that Mike put into the beautiful walls.

Some of the pictures were resembling different parts of our lives (or a a life of someone in the family)
A pick up truck. My Dad has a pick up truck (but what little boys doesn't love pick ups?)

playground equipment.
A big truck. I think this is suppose to represent the truck that Mike drove at the ice company through his College years.

A fun race car.
The sun :)
Mike's dad had a motorcycle.
Tornado slide
Mike's mom's first car was a VW bug (The door has her initials SJG --maiden)
Who doesn't love a hot air balloon
My Dad was driving a dump truck at the time (the door has his initials GEK)
Sand box

School bus that says Harrisonburg City Schools (the system that Mike works in)
Fun helicopter
Playground equipment

I loved this room for 10 years. The boys have out grown the mural, but now I have the pictures to remember this wonderful room by. I am glad that my baby boys had this fun room to stay in while they were little.

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