My legs felt weak, I didn't think I could move. Yet, thinking back I think my toes were only a few inches from this creepy critter. I told Mike he needed to get it out of the house, I wanted it gone, I wanted it dead. He got something to pick it up with, and said he needed a cake topper. I went upstairs, stood in my kitchen and thought, "cake topper, do I have a cake topper? What is a cake topper? What can I use instead of a cake topper?..." Mike came by and saw me standing there. He said, "I'm really surprised your not moving faster." I thought about a bowl that would work. I don't use it often, the sides are high, etc. I went to get that bowl, but Mike in the mean time saw my bread bowl. He told me that was the one he wanted. I hesitated because I make bread in that bowl, but thought if it gets rid of the snake, okay.
Mike took the snake outside while he looked the kind up on his ipod, he was having trouble finding it, so I got my "ipod" (aka: the world book) and found it was a garter snake. Mike gently took the snake to the field at the end of our road and let it free. I would not have been so kind!
I started to look for new houses that evening. Mike said, "we are not moving!" So, I told him we HAD to get an exterminator in if we were not moving. He wasn't fond of this, but finally agreed. The exterminator came on Wednesday. He looked around. He found something. I saw him deftly put it in his pocket. I asked what that was. He replied, "oh, a dead snake." What?? How creepy! Then, of course, Austin had to see it. His response was, "COOL" (Sorry Austin, this is anything but cool!)
He sprayed the house, put stuff in my flower beds, and said we should be good for a year.
So, over this spring break we are now cleaning the basement!
Oh, when I went to bake bread the other day, I just could not use THAT bowl! I had to find another.
Yes, I remember one day Mike found a snake in their yard, put in a bowl with a lid and came to my house while we we all at the table eating. He showed us what he had in the bowl, and Mike will never forget the hollaring I did, "Get out of here!" several times and he then learnt I was afraid of snakes. He says, Amy is her mothers daughter. I think Amy is perfectly ok feeling about snakes the way she does. Betty