Last fall the boys decided they wanted to plant pumpkins. I thought that would be a great learning experience for them, and for me. I washed some seeds, and stored them for use this spring.
In May I planted the seeds. I have watched, watered, learned about, and asked questions about pumpkins. The pumpkins are getting ripe now. I have baked 4 and have about 15 cups of pumpkin in the freezer.
One thing I still need to learn is: how to tell if they are truly ripe!
Today I was out looking at my pumpkins and found one that was orange and when I moved it, it came off the vine very easily. My thought was, "Oh! I have a ripe pumpkin!"
Side note: I do not have a good record with knives. 2 years ago I used a large knife at my sisters house and had to go to the ER to have my finger glued.
Lana has, luckily, been here to cut the other pumpkins open for me. But, she was not here today. I decided to give it a whirl. The knife I chose did nothing! So, I got a BIGGER knife! It did nothing. I called Lana and asked how she did this. She replied, "determination!" Okay, Mike will have the determination.
When Mike came home I asked him to cut it open. He saw the pumpkin and said, "let the boys make a face in it first." Mike just recently bought some "Mr. Potato Head" type of facial features that you put in pumpkins. The boys enjoy them!
He tried to start a hole for the face, but couldn't. Then he said, "I'll just cut it open" He tried my bread knife. That didn't do anything. He said, "maybe a saw..." (huh???), but then decided to bust it on the carport. However, when he got outside he said, "maybe I'll crack it with the car!" When I heard this I grabbed the camera!

He place the pumpkin under the wheel. At first it rolled away so he propped it with a piece of wood.

It worked! But, now I know the reason it was so hard. It wasn't ripe!!
I still have some learning to do about pumpkins, even so, Mike and the boys keep things interesting!
I do wonder, though, how would they do the Christmas turkey?