This week on Tuesday, Adam was to go to the Orthodontist who is observing him. She is watching the growth and changes in his mouth. Last time we went to see her, we came away knowing that he needed 4 teeth removed. Right before the oral surgeon appointment, one came out on its own. I knew Adam had 1 more baby tooth in there. I wondered what she would say about it once we were at the appointment.
Monday evening Adam came to me and casually held out his hand and so I put my hand out to see what he wanted to give me. he placed in my hand his final baby tooth. I guess there is no need to wonder what she will say about that any more!
That is the FINAL baby tooth in our house!
With our boys we have many types of moments. We have happy, sad, joyous, and celebratory moments. Moments that make me proud, and some that, well....we won't talk about those. The purpse of this blog is to record some the these "Moments With My Boys."
Friday, June 16, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Old Macbeth Had A Farm
The end of last year, Adam brought a paper home to chose his electives for this school year. He made his selections, and I didn't look too closely at them.
When school started this year, I realized that he had signed up for drama. I was a bit surprised because Adam has a quiet, introverted personality. I spoke to his teacher in passing one day, and he said that there were other jobs (behind the scenes, lighting, etc.) so I thought Adam would take one of those. When it came time for the play, I was again surprised to see that Adam had not only one part, but two!! Well, maybe this will bring him out of his shell. It's good to have new experiences, right?
He brought home a list of things that they needed into to have props (and costumes that fit) for the play. He needed a plaid shirt.I started to think, then I remembered that a few months earlier His great grand father passed away. I had asked Mikes mother if there were any shirts of Pop-Pop's that I could have to add to a quilt I'm making (one for each boy). I chose 3 shirts. I thought it was very special that Adam was able to wear his great-grandfathers shirt in his middle school play!
Adam played a farmer that was trying to sell some land to a Colonel Sanders type character.
He also played a messenger. He looked very much like he belonged in the CIA!
I got a quick picture of him delivering his message.
This is the cover of the program.
And the cast...I'm most impressed with the 3rd and 4th from the bottom.
This play was a take on Macbeth, with a little side story containing characters that might be related to KFC. It was a really cute play....
....And I am really proud of Adam for stepping out of his comfortable box, and trying something new.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
The week of our Spring Break at school, was national librarians week. We were out of school, so our school decided to celebrate it a week early.
One of the great things they do is, during this week the librarians really try to encourage reading. They buy about 20 fun/different lamps. They have the lamps set up all over the library. Then they give each staff member 10 die cut light bulbs. If you see a student reading when it is not required, you can give the student a light bulb and they can turn that in to be entered into the drawing for a lamp. When you turn the light bulb in, you also were offered a piece of candy. So everyone who got a light bulb had the option to get a little something.
Adam was reading a bit before his math class, one of the first days of this challenge. His teacher gave him a light bulb. And his name was drawn.
The next morning he was able to go to the library and pick out a lamp.
One of the great things they do is, during this week the librarians really try to encourage reading. They buy about 20 fun/different lamps. They have the lamps set up all over the library. Then they give each staff member 10 die cut light bulbs. If you see a student reading when it is not required, you can give the student a light bulb and they can turn that in to be entered into the drawing for a lamp. When you turn the light bulb in, you also were offered a piece of candy. So everyone who got a light bulb had the option to get a little something.
Adam was reading a bit before his math class, one of the first days of this challenge. His teacher gave him a light bulb. And his name was drawn.
The next morning he was able to go to the library and pick out a lamp.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Behind the Wheel of a Car
Sometime towards the end of September 2016, I was at work and got a text from my sister. Her friend was selling her car. It was a little older, had some miles on it, but over all would be a great first car. Lana thought, "Well, Austin will be driving soon. I wonder if Mike and Amy are interested..." I talked it over with Mike and we decided to go look at the car the beginning of October. (we did not let on to Austin what we were doing) We took my dad, so he could thoroughly inspect the car. Dad gave the final okay, and we bought the car. We were not able to bring it home that night, so we took several pictures and headed home. We knew it would be a little till he could drive anyhow. We just could not pass up this deal!
Once home, we found Austin sitting at the table doing his homework. Mike and I told him where we were and what we got for him.
This was about as much excitement as I got.
Then he had to pass the learners test.
He finally got that precious piece of paper last week.
That evening he was ready... start practicing with Mike.
And they headed out.
He seems to be doing okay so far. I have gone with him once or twice, but still prefer Mike to do this stressful part of parenting.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Tribute to Pop Pop
When I met Mike, little did I know that I had met the man I was going to marry, but I would also marry into a family and gain a wonderful grandfather-in-law.
Henry Goshow, Mike's grandfather, died on February 28, 2017. He was 95 years old.
He was woven into the fabric of our lives in so many ways.
He offered the meditation at our wedding. I remember he said, "Mike, I'm mainly talking to you. But, Amy, you can listen in."
When Austin was born, it just so happened it was 10 days before Mike's cousin was getting married in our area. So Pop Pop (as he was known to grandchildren and great-grandchildren) made a special stop to see the newest addition to the family.
Each time we saw Pop Pop we tried to get a four generation picture. I knew they would be special one day, but at the time, I had no idea how special they would be.
When Adam joined the family we gave him the middle name of Henry, after Pop Pop. We reminded him of this every time we saw him. I loved to see the surprise on his face every time. I am so honored that we got to use Henry. A name that is connected to such a special man.
We even got a few four generation pictures more recently. With this picture I had to crop it close to Adam and Pop Pop.

Pop Pop was at an age where he had lost several of his teeth. Adam was also at an age where he had lost several of his front teeth (for a very different reason :) ) I Love this picture of Henry and Adam Henry and their toothless grins.
Last Easter we went to Easter service at the Souderton Home, where Pop Pop lived. We got our last picture with him that day. I love that we spent that morning with him, and have that special memory.
Pop Pop lived on his own until just months before he died. Last summer Sandy, Mike's mother and I went to his apartment (in Souderton Home) and she did a bit of cleaning for him, and made a grocery list of things he needed. However, I did not see him that day. He was a very busy man. He spent time in the game room, he visited people, he was very often on the go.
At his funeral service it was mentioned that he had read book where the premise is that, while on earth you continually are climbing the stairs of faith. Pop Pop, you have made it to the top of the stairs!
This past week I mentioned to someone at work that Pop Pop had passed the response was so comforting and true. The response was, "He has Glory!" Indeed he has!
Pop Pop, you will be missed! You have touched each one of us! But, I am so happy for you that you have GRADUATED TO GLORY!
Henry Moyer Goshow August 20, 1921-February 28, 2017
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Something New That Adam Loves
My nephew, Eamon, is going to school to be a barber. He needs to do a certain number of haircuts in order to graduate from this program. Adam was in need of a haircut, so I made an appointment to go help Eamon, while helping us.
On the way to get his hair cut, I asked Adam how he wants it cut. He said, "I want it like Eamon has his." And that is what he told Eamon when he got in the chair. Eamon did a good job of making it like his own, yet making it fit a 13year old boy.
This was the first time that Adam had his hair professionally washed. He walked away a fan!! When we got int he car he was talking about the wash that Eamon used to exfoliate his scalp. (After that he washed, then conditioned, then he added a hot towel with lavender oil on it. I can't wait to get my hair done)
I had to get a picture of Adam's first wash!
Finished product! I have to say, I really like this cut!
Saturday, January 14, 2017
17, 18, & 19
On January 3rd, Adam went to meet with the oral surgeon to remove the 3 teeth that I mentioned in the last post. We met the Dr., talked about what would happen and went to make the appointment. The girl looked at the schedule and said, "Can he come back tomorrow?" Well, sure...Let's get this over with!
The next day we went back to the office. He didn't have to wait very long to be taken back. I had a few questions, so I went back as well. Adam was asking some very insightful questions to the nurse, and to the Dr. (once he came in). I left to wait in the waiting room. It was not long, and the nurse came and told me he was done.
The medicine they gave Adam must have been really good because, on the way home he asked me, "Mom, did I sleep during the removal?" I told him he did not. Hmmm...I just don't remember much of it. I'm thinking that may be a good thing.
Only one more baby tooth!
The next day we went back to the office. He didn't have to wait very long to be taken back. I had a few questions, so I went back as well. Adam was asking some very insightful questions to the nurse, and to the Dr. (once he came in). I left to wait in the waiting room. It was not long, and the nurse came and told me he was done.
The medicine they gave Adam must have been really good because, on the way home he asked me, "Mom, did I sleep during the removal?" I told him he did not. Hmmm...I just don't remember much of it. I'm thinking that may be a good thing.
Only one more baby tooth!
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