Wednesday, March 30, 2016


We went to Pennsylvania this past weekend and celebrated Easter with Mike's parents.  As I was thinking about this post with some of the pictures that I had, one word kept coming to mind...Blessed.
~We are so Blessed that our boys are able to participate in a 4 generation picture.  They have their Great Grandfather (Pop-pop, Henry, which is where we got Adam's middle name), Grandma Sandy, Mike and our boys.  Not many kids anymore can say they have a 94 year old Great Grandfather. We were able to go  to Easter service with Pop-pop at the home where he has an apartment.  Then we went back to his apartment and got this picture.

~We are Blessed that both sets of Grandparents live in a reasonable distance.  My parents live in town and we see them quite often.  Mike's parents are several hours north of us, but we can still get there easily without a plane ticket.

~Lastly, I am Blessed that I got chosen to be the mother of these two lovely boys!  I love this picture because both of my boys look so genuinely happy.  (An added bonus is that you can see Sandy taking the picture if  you look in the window :)

This Easter Season, I know that I am very Blessed!

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