Saturday, March 12, 2016


About this time every year, our local library displays art made by the students of  area schools.

One day, a few weeks ago, I got an email from our art teacher asking if I could help her.  I didn't really understand what she needed help with but I agreed.  As it turned out she needed help get the art mounted so that the pieces could be on display at the library.  

I was working and getting a good bit done.  Then, she gave me some "stuffed animals" to mount from a sewing unit they did.  I looked at this one that was to be mounted and knew right away that it was Austin's.  
The project was to have 3 parts of your childhood and put them into one stuffed creature.  Austin's creature is a small dog, whose body is a video game controller.  On the ear of the dog it has a blue canary (from a song he likes).

I thought it would be great to get a picture of  him with his creation at the library, but he didn't agree.  I think he did a great job!

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued by this stuffed creature sculpture. I like the way Austin created it. - Diane Burkholder
