Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Play

We have some amazing people at our church!  Every year, this wonderful lady does a Christmas play, where she works with about 60 (maybe more) kids!  Some years she has even written the play!

This year Adam was a Roman census taker.  He got to check Mary and Joseph as they came in for the census.  His character had trouble finding them in the books, but it didn't take long and he found them.  When he found them, his line was, "ah, very well."  It tickled me, because whenever he said this line, it sounded like he picked up some sort of British accent.

I tried to get a picture of Adam in the play, but I was not at a very good angle to have good lighting.  I did get this picture of Grace and Adam at a dress rehearsal.  I had trouble getting this picture, hence the blurry Adam...we will take what I can get.

The kids last year to be in the play is their 5th grade year.  This will be Adam's last year to be in the play.  The boys have had doing these plays over the past 4 Christmas'. 

But now we get to go watch Lana's kids be in the play.


At Austin's school, they are required to take an instrument during their middle school years.  Austin chose the trumpet.  I have grown to love the sound of the trumpet more than I thought I would.  

 Every December they put on a Christmas concert.  I know what the songs sound like with the trumpet, but it always amazes me what they sound like with all the instruments.  They always do a great job!
He wants his next musical adventure to be the guitar. 

Another one...

Yep, another tooth...

Austin is my child who did not get his first tooth until he was 10 1/2 months old.  To me, that has always seemed like he was a "late" teether.  I was fine with that since the longer they stayed in his gums, the longer I knew those teeth were not my responsibility.

This morning, Austin came to me and said, "Lost another tooth."

I had no idea he had any that were loose!  I guess this makes about number 18!

This one must have been a hard one to get out.  He reported to me that in order to get it out, well...there was blood all over the sink.  YIKES!  I told him he was the lucky one that got to clean that up.

I had to look back and see how many teeth he has lost since school started, because it has seemed like a lot.  Since October he has lost 4, and he tells me another is on the way out!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I am not one of those mom's that is good about recording my children's height.

I decided on Sunday that it was time to do it, because I had not done it since.....well.....since October 22, 2013.

I had Austin stand by my silly little paper growth chart that I have used for years.  (The chart does the job...It's not pretty, but it works).  As Austin stood there by the chart, I discovered he had passed the top of the chart by a few inches.  I guess it's time to move on to measure him with a tape measure.  He is roughly 5'2".  I realized that in about 2 inches I will be eye to eye with him!

I decided to go ahead and measure Adam since I had a grove going.  He was still on the chart (but not for too much longer).  He measured at 4'11".  It won't be long and he will surpass me too....