At some point last spring, several friends of Mike's (from College) came over. During our afternoon together, one of them mentioned that they were looking for a wood heater for their cabin. Well, we just happened to have one that we were considering getting rid of. Shortly after that, they came and paid us, and got the heater. They said, "In addition to this we will have you all up to our cabin for a steak dinner." Saturday was the day.
We got to their cabin and look a nice walk to the pond. There were salamanders there to catch. Austin took to that right away.
Austin has one in his had in this picture, I don't think you can see it very good.
Adam tried his hand at fishing,
But decided to take a break before going out to look for salamanders.
He finally found one. They are quick little critters! At one point he picked one up and said, "I think this one is dead." and threw it down. He did not realize it was not dead, it was actually 2 in the midst of an intimate moment. However, the one this picture is a single. ;)
Then he went canoeing, the sent a round the pond,
then did it again. They had so much fun!
Then he starting to swim. The water was so cold, but he had a blast!
Austin found a good stick to widdle, so he stayed warm and worked on that.
Then we had a lovely steak dinner with s'mores for dessert.
This was the wonderful view we had! Who wouldn't love that?
It was such a laid back, wonderfully refreshing, beautiful day. We all had a great time.